Walter Strümper

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Walter Strümper (born December 30, 1926 in Herten / Westf .; † November 3, 2019 in Calenberg ) was a German administrative officer and author.


After school, military service and after returning from French captivity in 1947, he studied economics and administrative law at the Administration and Business Academy in Münster . In addition, he took the subjects of history and theology. After completing his studies, he joined the administrative service of the Deutsche Post, 30 years post office manager in different places in the Federal Republic.

He was married and had two children. He lived in Calenberg (Warburg) . He died at the age of 92 in 2019.


He is known to the public as the author of numerous publications on regional and social history (15 monographs and 100 articles). He also performed several voluntary activities in public life, including a. he was chairman of various political committees and chairman of the Caritas association in the Höxter district. For almost twenty years he tried to integrate the Syrian Orthodox Christians and the Syrian Orthodox Church in Germany.


For his efforts in public life and the integration of immigrants and refugees, he has received several awards

  • Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon (1984)
  • Golden Cross of Honor of the German Caritas Association (1986)
  • Promotion Prize of the City of Warburg (2000)

For his services to the Syrian Orthodox Church , he was in 2008 by His Holiness Moran Mor and her faithful in Germany I. Ignatius Zakka Iwas , Patriarch of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch and All the East, Damascus, with the Order of St. . Ephraem excellent.

Monographs (selection)

  • From the city messenger to the post office. Warburg, 1984
  • From water art to waterworks. Warburg 1993
  • 100 years of electricity in Warburg. Warburg 1996
  • together with Wolfgang Fabian: Mission and service, social history in the Höxter district. Warburg, Ed. Caritas Verband Höxter eV 1999

Individual contributions

  • Josef Weingärtner, judge, writer, numismatist. ( The waiting room 97/1998)
  • Schepers Pastorius; Patricians, councilors, poets, lawyers, town planners (Germantown in Virginia). Warburg 2001
  • Wilhelm Rinteln, Secret High Tribunal Councilor, Minister, President of the Chamber. (The control room 110/2001)
  • Why the Warburg councilors "voluntarily" transferred to the faction of the NSDAP council group in 1933. (The control room 116/2002)


  • Entry in the German Writer's Lexicon, 2002

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituaries of Walter Strümper | Retrieved on July 20, 2020 (German).