Walter Tuchscheerer

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Walter Tuchscheerer (born January 30, 1929 in Oelsnitz , † April 10, 1967 in Berlin ) was a German Marxist economist who presented one of the first detailed works on the early history of central categories of Marx's critique of political economy .


Tuchscheerer's father was a KPD functionary well-known in Oelsnitz , who after 1933 was detained in Sachsenburg concentration camp, among other places , then was under police supervision and was not employed for a number of years. In the summer of 1945, Walter Tuchscheerer joined the KPD at the age of 16 and in 1949 was delegated to the workers and farmers faculty at the University of Leipzig . In 1951 he began studying at the University of Economics in Berlin-Karlshorst, but in the same year he moved to Moscow's Lomonossow University , where he graduated with distinction in 1957 with a thesis on the theory of added value in floor plans . After his return to the GDR, he received a position at the Institute for Economics of the Academy of Sciences and worked there on his dissertation ( The Formation and Development of The Theory of Value with Karl Marx (1843 to 1858) ), which he submitted in June 1963. The topic chosen by Tuchscheerer was new scientific territory, since up to this point there was only a single doctoral thesis on a partial aspect of this problem in the GDR and also the Marx research of the western foreign countries "hardly at all deals with the formation and development of the economic theory of the Marxism occupies [e], but has shifted its emphasis to general biographical, sociological and above all philosophical questions. ”The reviewers recommended the rapid publication of the work. Tuchscheerer, however, hesitated and instead planned to write a comprehensive conceptual historical representation of the entire Marxian economic theory from the beginnings to capital on the basis of the knowledge gained up to that point. The relevant manuscript was only just beginning when Tuchscheerer died after a short illness at the age of 38. His wife and some employees of the Academy of Sciences put together a monograph from the posthumous texts and the doctoral thesis, which was published in 1968 - in the Federal Republic of Germany almost simultaneously Roman Rosdolsky's On the History of Marx's "Capital" - under the title Before "Capital" was created in Akademie-Verlag was published in a foreword by his wife Gerda . In April 1965 a working group "Marx-Engels-Research (Political Economy)" was founded in the Institute for Marxism-Leninism at the Central Committee of the SED, whose deputy head was Tuchscheerer.

Publications (selection)

  • The historical significance of the establishment of the Communist Party of Germany . In: Horst Heiniger: Economic-historical essays on the November Revolution in Germany and the founding of the KPD . Berlin 1958, pp. 95-134.
  • AA Wagin: Problems of Economic History in History Class. Methodical guidance . Translated by RF Schmiedt u. Walter Tuchscherer. Edited for the German readers. by Herbert Mühlstädt . Volk und Wissen publishing house, Berlin 1959.
  • Report on Marx-Engels research in the GDR in the field of political economy . In: Contributions to the history of the labor movement . Berlin 1962, special issue, pp. 73–99.
  • The formation and development of the theory of value in Karl Marx (1843 - 1858) . Dissertation. University of Economics, Berlin 1963.
  • NK Karatajew u. a .: History of economic sweeping opinions . Translated from the Russian by W. Tuchscheerer u. a. Publishing house Die Wirtschaft, Berlin 1965.
  • Before "Capital" was created. The emergence of Karl Marx's economic theory . Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1968 [1] . (Licensed edition by Pahl-Rugenstein Verlag, Cologne 1968)
  • On the development of the economic doctrine of Karl Marx. The overturning of the entire economic theory in the "Outlines of the Critique of Political Economy" . In: Contributions to the history of the labor movement . Berlin 1968, special issue, pp. 75–97.

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Jahn: The first suggestions for taking up economic studies and the beginning of economic studies with the young Marx. Humboldt University, Berlin 1956, DNB 480088136 .
  2. Before “Das Kapital” was created. 1968, p. 20.
  3. ^ Arthur Schnickmann: New working group for Marx-Engels research . In: Contributions to the history of the labor movement. 8th year, Berlin 1966, issue 1, p. 136 f.