Walter Willy Sommer

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Walter Sommer (2014)

Walter Willy Sommer (born September 18, 1951 , legal resident in Sumiswald and Diessenhofen ) is a Swiss lawyer and politician ( FDP ).


Walter Sommer completed his studies in political science and law at the University of Zurich in February 1978 with a legal licentiate . From 1982 to 1987 he headed the legal service of the Department of Home Affairs and Economics of the Canton of Thurgau . For 30 years (1987 to 2017) he campaigned full-time as mayor of the Upper Rhine community of Diessenhofen. From 1988 to 1996 he was a member of the Grand Council of the Canton of Thurgau (Parliament).

Sommer presided over the Swiss Pontoon Sports Association and several regional associations. Among other things, he was a member of the management of the FDP Switzerland and the central board of the Swiss Officers' Association. As chairman or board member, he managed four SMEs.

In the army he was promoted to colonel in the general staff on April 1, 1996 and served, among other things, as deputy chief in staff field army corps 4 and in staff information regiment 1.

Sommer lives in partnership and is the father of three sons.


  • Leadership - with people to the goal . 2018

Individual evidence

  1. Stefan Hilzinger: DIESSENHOFEN: The town is its fate. St. Galler Tagblatt , August 31, 2016. From, accessed on January 6, 2019.
  2. Leading means: «pointing the way». Schaffhauser Nachrichten, November 24, 2018. From, accessed on January 6, 2019.