Waltrud Bruhn

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Waltrud Bruhn (born February 8, 1936 in Wuppertal ; † August 27, 1999 in Glückstadt ) was a Low German writer and artist.


Waltrud Bruhn grew up in Bad Segeberg and Lübeck . Then she studied education and art and published high and low German poetry, often with sound-emphasized language images on mythological subjects, and prose. Her handling of the language was artistic and virtuoso, with reference to regional as well as natural and cultural-historical material. Your volume of poetry Windlast is one of the most important Low German works. In addition to her writing activities, she was active as a draftsman and painter all her life .

Waltrud Bruhn lived in Glückstadt.

Awards and honors

Works (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Reinhard Goltz and Ulf-Thomas Lesle (eds.): Dat Land so free un wiet. Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 2006, ISBN 978-3-455-40026-7 .