Vasily Ivanovich Yeramishanzew

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Vasily Ivanovich Jeramischanzew ( Russian Василий Иванович Ерамишанцев ; born March 20 . Jul / 1. April  1875 greg. In Grigoriopol ; † 4. November 1958 in Moscow ) was a Russian architect .


Jeramishanzew studied at the Riga Polytechnic Institute with a degree in 1904 as an engineer- architect.

Along with Vladimir Vasilyevich Wojeikow built Jeramischanzew after the project Georgi Ivanovich Makajews in Moscow 1903-1907 the northern part of the building of the Polytechnic Museum, the central part of Ippolito Monighetti project in 1877 by Nikolai Alexandrovich Shokhin and other parts of August Weber and Ivan Pavlovich Mashkov completed in 1883 and 1896 had been. 1913–1915, Jeramischanzew built the facade of the JW Junker & Co. bank together with the Wesnin brothers .

Yeramishanzew was a member of the Moscow Architecture Society. 1927 projected it in the Supreme Council of National Economy settlements for the cereal - Trust . In 1935 he became a member of the Union of Architects of the USSR .

Yeramishanzev was buried in Moscow's Donskoy cemetery .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Biografitscheskaja Enziklopedija: Ерамишанцев Василий Иванович (accessed on November 15, 2019).
  2. ^ A b Naschtschokina MW : Architects of Moscow Modernism - Work Portraits (Russian) . 3. Edition. Schiraf, Moscow 2005, ISBN 5-89832-043-1 , p. 187-188 .
  3. a b Казусь И. А .: Советская архитектура 1920-х годов: организация проектирования . Прогресс-Традиция, 2009, ISBN 5-89826-291-1 , p. 189 .
  4. Либсон В. Я., Домшлак М. И., Аренкова Ю. И. и др .: Кремль. Китай-город. Центральные площади . In: Памятники архитектуры Москвы . Искусство, Moscow 1983, p. 489 .
  5. Зодчие Москвы времени эклектики, модерна и неоклассицизма (1830-е – 1917 годы): илл. биогр. словарь . КРАБиК, Moscow 1998, ISBN 5-900395-17-0 , p. 164 .