Nikolai Alexandrovich Shochin

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Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Schochin ( Russian: Николай Александрович Шохин ; * 23 August July / 4 September  1819 greg .; † 7 December July / 19 December  1895 greg. In Moscow ) was a Russian architect , restorer and patron .


Schochin studied at the architecture school of the Moscow court office from 1832 to 1840, graduating as an architectural assistant 3rd class. He then entered the service of the Moscow court office and worked there until 1885, where he rose to the position of chief architect and head of the drawing room. He received the highest awards and valuable gifts for his early work. He also taught at the architecture school of the Moscow court office. On his initiative, an architecture department was opened at the Polytechnic Museum , which he headed for 23 years.

In addition, Schochin was secretary of the Pretschistenka board of trustees for the poor and the architect of the foundling house and the Alexander orphan cadet corps . He was an honorary member of the Moscow Council for Children's Homes and the Brotherly Society for the Construction of Housing for the Poor, on whose behalf he carried out a number of projects, including with his own funds. Since he remained unmarried, he spent most of his income on charity. Also Nadezhda Trubezkaja supported this work.

Schochins restoration projects concerned in the Kremlin the pleasure palace , the Trinity tower , the Palace of Facets and the Little Nicholas palace next to the Chudov Monastery (both demolished 1929-1930) near the Spasskaya Tower and in Kolomenskoye The Ascension Church. He was involved in the construction of the Great Kremlin Palace . In the 1850s he rebuilt the Petrovsk Palace and also the Odojewski House (1853). Shochin was involved in the buildings and building adaptations for the enthronement of Alexander II in 1856.

Polytechnic Museum (central part)

Schochin became a free honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1864), and he was appointed to the Real Council of State (IV class ). In 1867 he founded the Moscow Architecture Society with others, of which he was chairman from 1872 to 1875.

Schochin built the Peter and Paul Church in Ljublino (1872) and the central part of the Polytechnic Museum (1877), the facade of which was designed by Ippolit Monighetti . In 1882 he built a home and in 1883, under the direction of August Weber, the south wing of the Polytechnic Museum. On the buildings and building adaptations for the enthronement of Alexander III. In 1883 Shochin was involved again. For his buildings, Schochin used the classical style and also the New Russian style.

Shochin eventually published detailed reports of his most important work.

Shochin was buried in the Dorogomilovsk cemetery. When this cemetery was closed in 1940, his remains were transferred to the Wostryakovo cemetery. Shochin's brothers Dmitri and Fyodor were also architects.

Web links

Commons : Nikolai Schochin  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Шохин Николай Александрович (accessed August 12, 2017).
  2. Зодчие Москвы времени эклектики, модерна и неоклассицизма (1830-е - 1917 годы): илл. биогр. словарь . КРАБиК, Moscow 1998, ISBN 5-900395-17-0 , p. 280 .
  3. Годовой отчёт Братолюбивого общества снабжения в Москве неимущих квартирами . Типо-литография А. П. Хайлова, Moscow 1892, p. 116 .
  4. Либсон В. Я., Домшлак М. И., Аренкова Ю. И. и др: Памятники архитектуры Москвы: Кремль. Китай-город. Центральные площади . Искусство, Moscow 1983, p. 339 .
  5. Церковь Петра и Павла в Люблино (accessed August 12, 2017).
  6. Н. А. Шохин: Исторический очерк Малого Николаевского дворца в Московском Кремле . Типо-лит. А.В. Муратова, Moscow 1894.
  7. Н. А. Шохин: Исторический очерк постройки Музея прикладных знаний на Лубянской площади в Москве . Типо-лит. А.В. Муратова, Moscow 1894.