Guide to health: responsibility of adults in the event of alcohol abuse

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Episode in the series Health Signs
Original title Adult responsibility for alcohol abuse
Country of production GDR
original language German
DEFA documentary on behalf of the DHMD
length 7 minutes
classification Episode 35
First broadcast 1980 on television of the GDR
Director Werner Kreiseler
script Werner Kreiseler
production DEFA
camera Karl-Heinz Halle
cut Werner Wendt

Responsibility of adults in the event of alcohol abuse is a DEFA documentary from the series Wegweiser Gesundheit from 1980, which was shot by Werner Kreiseler on behalf of the German Hygiene Museum Dresden for broadcast on GDR television .


Several young people on the street are asked from within the group when they first drank alcohol . Almost all of them stated that they did this at the youth consecration , i.e. at the age of 14, or at a wedding at the age of 15.

The commentator then says that one should certainly celebrate the festivities as they come, but the question is whether one should keep doing it with the same thoughtlessness. Which father would really like to teach his son with the first schnapps that alcohol and adulthood are inevitable? Yet alcohol abuse by adolescents is a serious issue. In many cases, the consequences are very dire, as the subsequent glance of a group of students into a clinic for alcohol addicts shows. Now the question of how to become addicted to alcohol needs to be clarified and it turns out that most teenagers drink alcohol to show how strong they are because they think it makes them look more manly. Of course, the restaurant staff and the sales staff in the shops have a special responsibility, who must pay close attention to the legal regulations.

Now follows a scientific explanation on the subject, which begins with the fact that in adolescents not only the excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful, but any consumption of alcohol. This is due to the fact that the young organism has only few protective mechanisms against alcohol, since the body reaches larger areas than in adults because it is richer in water. The liver's detoxification system is not yet fully developed, the growing cells are much more sensitive, especially the brain cells . As a result, alcohol can lead to completely chaotic reactions and trigger consequences that those affected cannot foresee or control. As a result, the crimes committed by young people who are under alcohol are increasing in the GDR . In collective drinkers land the young people are most at risk, because the effect is about twice that of an adult. Domestic habits can also be decisive for the onset of alcohol addiction, if one overlooks it for convenience when the children are drinking alcohol.

Production and publication

The format was designed for broadcast from 1974 to 1984 on East German television between 6 and 7 p.m. This film was shot in the DEFA studio for documentary films by the collective Wegweiser Gesundheit of the Spektrum group .

The scenario was written by Bärbl Bergmann , Yvonne Merin-Georgi was responsible for the dramaturgy . The texts come from Fritz Gebhardt.

The verifiable first public cinema screening took place on May 21, 2019 in the Zeughauskino in Berlin .

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