Hawthorn spider mite

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Hawthorn spider mite
Order : Trombidiformes
Subordination : Prostigmata
Superfamily : Tetranychoidea
Family : Spider mites (Tetranychidae)
Genre : Tetranychus
Type : Hawthorn spider mite
Scientific name
Tetranychus viennensis
Zacher , 1920

The hawthorn spider mite ( Tetranychus Viennensis ) belongs to the family of the spider mites (Tetranychidae). This mite is known as a plant pest. It attacks pome fruit plants , including the single and double fluted hawthorn .


The body of the females is oval, about 0.5 millimeters long and 0.3 millimeters wide. They are light green after molting, but turn carmine red within two to three days. From the propodosoma there are no protrusions over the gnathosoma (front body of the mite with jaw tools) as with many other mites. The back bears 24 setae (bristle hairs) in six rows.

The males are built somewhat narrower, reach a length of 0.4 millimeters and a width of about 0.2 millimeters. Their body is light green with black spots on the sides. The eyes are bright red. You have 26 sets in six rows on your back.

The hawthorn spider mite can pierce the epidermis of the leaves with its chelicerae (jaw claws) and suck the protoplasm out of the cells with its mouthparts.


The species is distributed from Western Europe across Central Asia to China and Japan . She performs in England, France, Germany, Austria and Bulgaria. Its distribution area extends from Ukraine and Moldova over the Caucasus, southern Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan as well as northern India to China, Korea and Japan.

Way of life and development

The hawthorn spider mite , like the related fruit tree spider mite ( Panonychus ulmi ), can also attack and damage fruit trees from the rose family . In contrast to the infestation with the fruit tree spider mite, the leaves of the infested fruit trees show only slight speckles and above them fine webs. The harmful effect usually remains low.

The development takes place from the egg through a larval stage and the proto- and deutonymph to the sexually mature animal. These spider mites overwinter as females under bark scales and not as an egg like the fruit tree spider mite.


  • Friedrich Zacher : New and little known spider mites. In: Journal of Applied Entomology. Vol. 7, No. 1, 1920, pp. 181-187, doi : 10.1111 / j.1439-0418.1920.tb01455.x , (first description).
  • Gerhard Friedrich Wilhelm Müller: Morphology, biology and control of the hawthorn spider mite, Tetranychus viennensis Zacher (Acari, Tetranychidae). In: Höfchen letters. Vol. 10, 1957, ISSN  0340-2223 , pp. 1-60, (Also special print; at the same time: Hohenheim, Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule, dissertation, 1956).

Individual evidence

  1. a b G. E. David'yan: Tetranychus Viennensis Zacher - Hawthorn Red Spider Mite, Fruit Tree Spider Mite. On http://www.agroatlas.ru
  2. a b Hawthorn spider mite, Weihenstephan information service - March 2017, Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences, accessed on October 6, 2017