Soft cup

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Soft cup
Mollisia cinerea

Mollisia cinerea

Department : Ascomycota mushrooms
Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Leotiomycetes
Order : Helotials
Family : Dermateaceae
Genre : Soft cup
Scientific name
( Fr. ) P. Karst.

The soft cups ( Mollisia ) are a genus of fungi from the Dermateaceae family . There are over 50 species in Europe. The species live saprophytically on dead wood or other plant remains.


These sessile Discomycetes have a size of about 0.2 to 4 millimeters (rarely up to 7 mm) and are soft-fleshed. The cells of the ectal (outer) excipulum are brown, rarely colorless, and usually round, less often prismatic. In this genus, refractive vacuole contents are very often present in the paraphyses , which can dissolve into the medium with 3% KOH yellow , relevant for determination .


The various species cannot usually be determined macroscopically, because many species cannot be distinguished from one another when viewed with the naked eye. To make matters worse, most species are very changeable in color, depending on their age and moisture level. It is not uncommon for the same species to need four colors in order to be able to put the cups into words. In addition to the macroscopic appearance and substrate, the size and shape of the individual microscopic elements ( spores , asci , paraphyses, excipulum cells and end cells or hair), the ascus-porus reaction with Lugol (blue, red or negative), the Mentioned KOH reaction of the paraphyseal contents as well as the size and quantity of the oil droplets in the vital spores.

Many of the species found in this difficult genus cannot be reliably assigned to a described species. So many are provisionally assigned to collective species, such as Mollisia cinerea .

Types (selection)

Mollisia sp.

According to Kirk et al. there are 121 species worldwide. The following types are described at :

supporting documents

Web links

Commons : Soft Cups ( Mollisia )  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. ^ HO Baral, 1992. Vital versus Herbarium Taxonomy: Morphological differences between living and dead cells of ascomycetes, and their taxonomic implications. Mycotaxon 46: 333-390.
  3. ^ PM Kirk, PF Cannon, DW Minter, JA Stalpers. (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi. 10th Edition Wallingford: CABI. Page 434. ISBN 0-85199-826-7 .