Vera Petrovna Petrova

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Vera Petrovna Petrowa ( Russian Вера Петровна Петрова ; born August 9, 1927 in Tula , RSFSR ; † December 16, 2001 in Moscow ) was a Soviet actress and voice actress .


Petrowa was born in Tula, but had lived in Moscow since 1928. After graduating from middle school in 1946, she attended the acting faculty of the Gerasimov Institute for Cinematography , where Sergei Yutkevich and Mikhail Romm taught at that time . After graduating, she worked for the institute until 1955, and then began acting at the Moscow State Theater of Cinema Actors , which lasted 4 years.

Petrowa was initially connected to the Mosfilm studio through her theater work , but switched to the Gorki studio in 1959, where she was active until January 1989. The blonde actress made her film debut in 1954 as an intern in an unlisted role in Верные друзья ( Wernye drusja ). She embodied similar characters as a student in her second film Об этом забывать нельзя ( Ob etom sabywat nelsja , 1954), as an economist in Дорога правды ( Doroga prawdy , 1956) and as a history teacher in That (1975) we have not yet studied . In Alexander Rous' fairy tale films Adventure in the Magic Forest and Fire, Water and Trumpets she played small supporting roles, in The beautiful Varvara she was seen as a tsarina. In addition to her work in front of the camera, Petrowa was also involved as a voice actress in some Russian-language versions of international films, e. B. she lent her voice to Nicole Berger in Julietta . Petrowa's filmography includes 54 works, most recently Двое и одна ( Dwoje i odna , 1988). She only played supporting roles .

Petrowa was married to the award-winning actor Yuri Dmitrijewitsch Saranzew (1928–2005) since 1954 , their daughter Jelena, born in 1962, is a musician.

Filmography (selection)


Voice actress

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vera Petrova's biography at (Russian), accessed on December 26, 2019
  2. a b Biography of Vera Petrowas on a fan page (Russian), accessed on December 26, 2019
  3. Vera Petrova's filmography on (Russian), accessed on December 26, 2019
  4. Yuri Saranzev's biography on (Russian), accessed on December 26, 2019