Werner Betz (philologist)

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Werner August Josef Betz (born September 1, 1912 in Frankfurt / Main ; † July 13, 1980 in Munich ) was a German German and Scandinavian medievalist and linguist . He was professor for German and Nordic Philology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich .

Betz received his doctorate in 1936 with Hans Naumann with the dissertation " The Influence of Latin on German Linguistics ". The following year he became a member of the NSDAP . In 1939 he had a research assignment in the SS Ahnenerbe research project " Forest and Tree in Aryan-Germanic Spiritual and Cultural History ".

From 1937 to 1940 he was assistant to Theodor Frings at the Old High German Dictionary in Leipzig with the help of a grant from the German Research Foundation . In 1940 he was drafted into the Wehrmacht and served in the Navy until 1945 .


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