Werner Canthal

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Werner Canthal (born October 18, 1887 in Hanau ; † November 11, 1973 in Schlüchtern ) was a German industrial lawyer.


Canthal came from a respected Jewish family in Hanau. His father, Fritz Canthal , had converted to the Christian religion. Werner Canthal studied law at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität and had been a member of the Corps Suevia Heidelberg since 1906 . He passed the legal traineeship exam in 1911 and obtained a doctorate in Dr. jur. In 1911/12 he served as a one-year volunteer in Field Artillery Regiment No. 50 and was promoted to Lieutenant in the Reserve in October 1914. He took part in the First World War at the front and as a court officer in the Meschede prison camp. In 1916 he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class. He joined WC Heraeus GmbH in 1920 and became the company's managing director in 1926. Under his protection, he survived National Socialism as a “half-Jew” and was only sent to a labor camp in the Harz Mountains in the last days of the war . In 1953 he was elected chairman of the supervisory board of Heraeus Holding GmbH and Quarzlampen GmbH in Hanau.

Honorary positions

  • 1928–1933 Vice President of the Hanau office of the Frankfurt am Main Chamber of Commerce
  • 1945–1953 President of the Hanau-Gelnhausen Chamber of Commerce
  • 1949 President of the 1st Hanau tennis and hockey club



  • Armin Danco: The Yellow Book of the Corps Suevia zu Heidelberg, 3rd edition (members 1810–1985), Heidelberg 1985, No. 896

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1981, 67/886.