Werner Römpagel

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Werner Römpagel (born January 1, 1911 , † 1946 ) was a German SA leader, most recently in the rank of SA brigade leader .

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Römpagel, who was a commercial clerk by profession, joined the Sturmabteilung (SA) in 1928 and the NSDAP in 1929 .

From 1933 on, Römpagel worked full-time for the NSDAP. In the SA he reached the rank of Oberführer in 1937.

From July 1, 1938 on, Römpagel held the post of Staff Leader of the SA Group North Sea in Bremen . In this capacity, he played a key role in the implementation of the Reichskristallnacht in Bremen in November 1938 : he gave the orders to destroy synagogues and Jewish shops to the local SA units and coordinated their operations. He personally took part in the raid on a Jewish hotel.

In April 1938, Römpagel also ran unsuccessfully on the "List of the Führer for the election of the Greater German Reichstag" as a member of the National Socialist Reichstag , but was not elected.

Since 1939 Römpagel led the SA Brigade 63 in Oldenburg. In this position he was promoted to SA brigade leader on January 30, 1941 .


  • Götz Aly : The persecution and murder of European Jews by National Socialist Germany , 2009, pp. 390–393.
  • Wilhelm Lühjrs: Reichskristallnacht in Bremen , 1988.