Werner Schleusener

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Werner Schleusener (born November 20, 1897 in Müncheberg / Mark , † September 30, 1977 in Lüneburg ) was a German crop scientist .

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Werner Schleusener, son of a landowner, completed an agricultural apprenticeship, then worked in various companies in Pomerania and studied agriculture at the University of Breslau from 1923 . There he received his doctorate in 1926 under Friedrich Berkner with the dissertation " The course of nutrient uptake and dry matter formation of some types of millet under different fertilization conditions ". Until 1928 he worked as an assistant at the Institute for Plant Cultivation and Plant Breeding at the University of Breslau, then he went to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Landsberg / Warthe. There he specialized in growing potatoes. From 1932 to 1945 he was managing director and scientific director of the East German Seed Potato Company in Landsberg / Warthe .

In October 1945 he was hired as the main consultant at the German Administration for Agriculture and Forestry in Berlin. In 1947 he was appointed full professor and director of the Institute for Arable and Crop Production at the University of Rostock . During the establishment of the agricultural faculty, he made a special contribution by setting up stations for field tests. The focus of his research was in the field of seed potato production .

Schleusener left Rostock in 1953 to protest against the GDR's educational and agricultural policy. He found a new field of activity in a seed potato propagation company in Lüneburg . He continued to work as a journalist. He published numerous articles in the magazine "Der Kartoffelbau". His book “ Neuzeitlicher Kartoffelbau ” , published in 1959, attracted a lot of attention in agricultural practice .


  • Potato cultivation on the farm . Deutscher Zentralverlag Berlin 1948; 2nd edition 1949 = Der Bauernfreund H. 5.
  • Root crops in Mecklenburg . Ministry of Agriculture Schwerin 1950 = Instructions for the practical farmer H. 1.
  • High yields in potato cultivation thanks to better cultivation technology . Deutscher Bauernverlag Berlin 1953 = Series of publications for the agricultural production cooperatives H. 7.
  • Seed potato growing . German farmers' publishing house Berlin 1953.
  • Modern potato growing. A guide for farmers, multipliers, advisors . DLG-Verlag Frankfurt (Main) 1959.


  • Thomas Ammer: University between democracy and dictatorship. A contribution to the post-war history of the University of Rostock. Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik Köln 1969. Reprint edition Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster-Hiltrup 1990 (contains the complete text of Werner Schleusener's letter of motivation to the Rector of Rostock University to leave the GDR).
  • Kurt Bremer: Prof. Dr. Schleusener as an honorable memory . In: Der Kartoffelbau vol. 28, 1977, p. 303 (with picture).

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