Werner Wickel

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Werner Wickel (born July 29, 1880 in Wiesbaden ; † 1946 ) was a German liberal politician ( DDP ) and teacher functionary. He was a member of the Prussian state parliament .


Wickel attended elementary school and the humanistic high school in Wiesbaden. He graduated from the teachers' seminar in Schlüchtern and Prussisch Eylau and was then first as a private tutor in East Prussia , then as a preparation teacher in Herborn . From 1906 he worked as a teacher in Heftrich . In 1916 he was drafted into military service. From 1920 to 1931 Wickel acted as chairman of the general teachers' association in the Wiesbaden district .

Between 1925 and 1928, Wickel was a member of the Prussian state parliament for the German Democratic Party (DDP). In 1929/30 he was a member of the DDP party committee.


  • Ernst Kienast (Ed.): Handbook for the Prussian Landtag. Edition for the 2nd electoral term . R. von Decker's Verlag G. Schenk, Berlin 1925, p. 338.
  • Volker Stalmann : Left Liberalism in Prussia. The minutes of the Prussian parliamentary group of the DDP and DStP 1919–1932 . (= Sources on the history of parliamentarism and political parties ; Series 3, The Weimar Republic, Vol. 11). Droste, Düsseldorf 2009, ISBN 978-3-7700-5288-2 , p. CXXIII.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rainer Bölling: Elementary school teachers and politics. The German Teachers' Association 1918–1933 . (= Critical Studies in History , Vol. 32). Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen 1978, ISBN 3-525-35986-1 , p. 112.