Werner Zabel

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Werner Zabel (born February 23, 1894 in Elberfeld , † March 8, 1978 in Munich ) was a German ophthalmologist and alternative doctor .


Zabel studied medicine at the universities of Berlin , Innsbruck and Heidelberg . He took part in the First World War. He was approved in 1923 and received his doctorate in Heidelberg in 1924 with the text Medical Examinations and Experiences on War Flight . In 1927 he was approved as a specialist in ophthalmology at the University of Munich .

He opened his own practice in Ansbach . In 1932 he became chief physician of the eye department of the Evangelical Hospital in Düsseldorf . In 1934/35 he joined the NS-Volkswohlfahrt (NSV). From autumn 1934 to June 1935 he was head of the 1st Biological Department of the Rudolf-Hess-Hospital in Dresden . In 1936 he joined the NSD Medical Association and the German Air Sports Association (DLV). From 1937 to 1967 he headed the private clinic “Biological Kurheim” in Berchtesgaden . He was well networked with National Socialist officials and worked as a diet consultant for Hitler's personal doctor Theo Morell . In 1941 he joined the NSDAP . In 1943 he was appointed titular professor by Adolf Hitler .

From 1949 he taught holistic medicine on behalf of the West German Medical Association. From 1955 to 1970 he was a member of the scientific council of the International Society for Food and Vital Substance Research (IVG).


  • Extension of the limits of conventional medicine. Hippocrates, Stuttgart 1934.
  • Bircher-Benner as the doctor's teacher. In: The turning point in life and suffering. Bircher-Benner, Zurich 16 (1939) pp. 301-304.
  • The change in natural living conditions in the last century. Müller, Dresden 1938.
  • with Maria Schlenz: The Schlenz cure. Practice and theory of fever production by overheating baths. Hippocrates, Stuttgart 1944.
  • The meaning and essence of holistic medicine. Festschrift for the first advanced training course for holistic medicine in Berchtesgaden from September 5th to 17th, 1949. Hippokrates, Stuttgart 1949.
  • The meaning and essence of holistic medicine. Aims and tasks of the holistic medicine courses. Reform of medical literature for practitioners (= series for holistic medicine . Volume 1). Medical publisher, Giessen 1950.
  • The humoral methods of the old doctors (= series of publications for holistic medicine . Volume 5). Medical publisher, Giessen 1950.
  • Fasting. His technique and indication as well as contributions to his physiology (= series of publications for holistic medicine. Volume 6). Medical publisher, Giessen 1950.
  • The generation of a controlled fever (Schlenzbad) (= series of publications for holistic medicine. Volume 7). Medical publisher, Giessen 1950.
  • with Otto Voss : Basic information on herder diseases and joint work in cleaning up herds (= series of publications for holistic medicine . Volume 10). Medical publisher, Giessen 1950.
  • Holistic treatment of tumor diseases. A lecture on the 5th Berchtesgaden course for holistic medicine (= series of publications for holistic medicine. Volume 13). Hippocrates, Stuttgart 1953.
  • Body's own defense against cancer? Presentation at the opening of the 25th anniversary conference of the Central Association of Doctors for Naturopathic Treatment on September 15, 1964 in Freudenstadt. Medical-Literary Publishing House, Hamburg 1964.
  • Internal cancer therapy and the cancer patient's diet. Bircher-Benner, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe 1968. (9th edition 1982).
  • Additional therapy of tumor diseases. Haug, Heidelberg 1970.
  • Malaria therapy for carcinoma. Eden Foundation, Bad Soden 1971.
  • Small dose radiation in the therapy of tumor diseases. Edited by the Eden Foundation for the Promotion of Natural Lifestyle and Health Care. Eden Foundation, Bad Soden 1980.


  • Robert Jütte : History of Alternative Medicine. From folk medicine to today's unconventional therapies. Beck, Munich 1996, pp. 42–55: The “New German Medicine” or: the failed attempt at a “synthesis” (1933–1945). Pp. 55–65: “Holistic medicine” versus “technical medicine” (1945–1995).
  • Jörg Melzer: Whole food nutrition: dietetics, naturopathy, National Socialism, social demands. Steiner, Stuttgart 2003, p. 307, fn. 106.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfred Brauchle : Naturopathy in Life Pictures . Reclam, Leipzig 1937, p. 413 f.