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The noble coat of arms of the Wiśniowiecki family, Korybut community of coats of arms
Michael I. Wiśniowiecki , King of Poland (1640–1673)

Wiśniowiecki is the name of an important Polish noble family of Ruthenian origin. The family seat was Wiśniowiec (today Wyschniwez , Ukraine , Ukrainian: Вишнівець). The feminine form of the name is Wiśniowiecka .


The founder of the family was Knjas Michał Zbaraski Wiśniowiecki (d. 1516 or 1517), presumably a successor of the Rurikids , although the family relied on their vote from Grand Duke Gediminas of Lithuania and the family of the Kaributas (Korybut), the ruler of Nowhorod-Siwerskyj called. In the late 16th century, the family converted to Catholicism through Jeremi Wiśniowiecki and was Polonized. The family died out with Michał Serwacy Wiśniowiecki in 1744 in the male line.

Name bearer

Significant bearers of this name were:


See also