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Opposing , also Opposing (first half of the 8th century) was a bishop of Strasbourg .

Around 728 he founded the monastery ("monasteriolum") "cella monachorum" (German: "Mönchszell"), which Bishop Etto of Strasbourg converted in 762 into a Benedictine monastery , the Ettenheimmünster monastery .


  • W. Müller, Ettenheimmünster , in: Lexicon for Theology and Church (³LthK), Bd. 3, Sp. 1138.
  • Heinz Krieg: The establishment of the Ettenheimmünster Monastery and the so-called Heddo Testament , in: Bernhard Uttenweiler (Hrsg.): Contributions to the history of the Ettenheimmünster Monastery: from the "Heddo Testament" from 762 to the secularization of 1803. Ettenheimmünster 2013, p. 61-75.