Vienna different

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Vienna differently - ANDAS
founding March 21, 2015
Place of foundation Vienna
Headquarters 1120 Vienna, Cothmannstrasse 11
Alignment Progressive
colour Purple, red, green and lilac

Wien anders ( ANDAS ) is a political alliance in Austria that was founded in the run-up to the state and municipal council elections in Vienna in 2015 . Founding members in March 2015 were the Communist Party of Austria , the Pirate Party , the Echt Grün initiative, the Young Left Association, the Young Pirates Association of Austria and the “We want it different - Platform of Independents”. Since the election in October 2015, it has been represented with one mandate each in five district councils.


Origin and foundation

After the European elections in 2014 , some of the independents around Europe began to unite in Vienna and Linz to form the “Platform of Independents”. On February 1, 2015, the Vienna Pirate Party decided to strive for an electoral alliance, but this decision has to be repeated again for formal reasons.

The Echt Grün initiative confirmed on February 11, 2015 that it would participate in Vienna differently . Thereupon the KPÖ Vienna declared on February 17, 2015 at their state conference with 90% approval to participate in the election alliance Vienna Anders .

The official founding convention took place in Vienna on March 21, 2015. Among other things, the list of candidates for the Vienna state and municipal council elections on October 11, 2015 was chosen. The top candidate was Juliana Okropiridse from the Young Pirates. In second and third place on the list, she followed Didi Zach , KPÖ spokesman, and Ulrike Fuchs from the Platform of Independents.

Vienna election 2015

The electoral alliance first gained greater prominence in expert circles when the "Wurm Affair" was revealed. Here it became known through Christoph Ulbrich that the Gewog boss Karl Wurm had sold some apartments himself.
On August 12, Vienna announced otherwise that it had obtained over 4,500 declarations of support for municipal council and district council elections and that it would now submit their lists to the authorities.

In the state and municipal council elections, ANDAS clearly failed to pass the five percent hurdle with 8,937 votes and 1.07%. With a total of 12,449 votes and 1.43% in the simultaneous district representative elections , the three mandates previously held by the KPÖ in Leopoldstadt , Landstrasse and Margareten were held and one additional seat each was achieved in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus and Ottakring .

Since the election

A challenge to the election of the district representatives for the 6th, 8th, 9th and 12th districts that Vienna had brought before the Constitutional Court was not upheld in February 2016. This did not see any violation of the principle of freedom of choice due to impermissible influence on election advertising by state organs and no illegality of the election procedure due to delayed approval of the installation of advertising stands.

In June 2016, the Constitutional Court decided that the district representative election in Vienna-Leopoldstadt , in which the alliance has a mandate, must be repeated after an election challenge by the FPÖ . The redial took place on September 18, 2016. The electoral alliance was able to keep its mandate in the district council of Leopoldstadt.

In April 2016, the Federal General Assembly of the Pirate Party passed the resolution to leave the alliance. Individuals in the Vienna Regional Organization (Piraten für Wien Anders) are still active differently in Vienna and the Vienna Regional Organization has the political will to continue to be part of the Council of the Alliance. For this reason, two delegates to the Council of Vienna were appointed differently by the Pirate Party. The next General Assembly of Vienna different will take place in September 2016. This is to decide on the continuation and future direction of the alliance.


core items

The key points were announced on February 19, 2015 at a press conference on their homepage. After an open program process, the electoral alliance published a 12-point program. This includes the following requirements:


The electoral alliance consists of the cooperation itself, which is defined by a cooperation agreement, and a party in the background, which is defined by its statutes and, among other things, serves to be entitled to receive party funding and reimbursement of election campaign costs.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. KPÖ - audio files from the press conference of Europe different from February 6, 2013 , a list of the next dates
  3. OTS - We want to change Vienna! , a press release from Vienna different
  4. We want it differently - Platform of the Independents the homepage of the independents
  5. Piratenpad LGV-Vienna-2015-1-Protocol
  6. Piratenwiki accepted proposal 2
  7. Arbitration decision of the Pirate Party Austria's application IS_2015-02-20
  8. Real green confirmation of participation
  9. KPÖ Vienna blog article
  10. ^ on March 22, 2015
  11. The press on the worm affair
  12. the standard for reaching the declarations of support
  13. ^ City of Vienna: Vienna general council election 2015 .
  14. ^ City of Vienna: Vienna general district council elections 2015 .
  15. Finding WI18 / 2015 et al. Constitutional Court, February 24, 2016, accessed June 20, 2016 .
  16. ^ Leopoldstadt: The election must be repeated. In: June 15, 2016, accessed June 20, 2016 .
  17. ^ Activist plenary . In: Retrieved June 19, 2016 .
  18. Dissolution of participation in the electoral alliance “Vienna differently”. piratenpartei, April 26, 2016, accessed June 20, 2016 .
  19. ^ [1] Program of Vienna different
  20. ^ [2] Website Vienna S-Bahn
  21. [3] cooperation agreement
  22. [4] Statute