Wijlen Wij

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Wijlen Wij
General information
origin Belgium
Genre (s) Funeral doom
founding 2002
resolution 2014
Last occupation
Kris Villez
Guitar, keyboard
Kostas Panagiotou
Vocals, electric bass
Lawrence van Haecke
former members
Vocals, guitar, electric bass
Stijn van Cauter

Wijlen Wij was a funeral doom band founded in 2002 and disbanded in 2014 .


Kostas Panagiotou , Stijn van Cauter and Lawrence Van Haecke founded Wijlen Wij in 2002 as a side project to their main groups to make music as "desolate and desolate" as possible. The musicians were already known through other bands such as Pantheist , The NULLL Collective , Until Death Overtakes Me or Solicide . With the founding, there was the claim to appear as a supergroup of Funeral Doom. Kris Villez joined the band a year after it was founded. In 2004 the group started recording their debut album at the Templa Libitina Studio in Erembodegem . Riddled with private commitments and activities with the respective main groups, it took Wijlen Wij two years to complete the recordings. The album was mastered by Esoteric's Greg Chandler and released in June 2007 on the British label Aesthetic Death Records , which specializes in extreme Doom Metal . The self-titled album was mostly positively discussed and referred to as an album corresponding to the musicians involved.

In 2007 Wijlen Wij contributed to the death and funeral doom compilation Unveiling the Signs by the Polish label Redrum 666 . Kostas Panagiotou also took part as a solo artist and the band Pantheist, which is closely associated with Wijlen Wij. As further interpreters Dissolving of Prodigy and Gallileous were represented on the compilation with pieces. Wijlen Wij's contribution was judged to be lengthy and amateurish.

The second studio album was released without Stijn van Cauter seven years after the debut album via Solitude Productions and went along with the official breakup of the band. Coronachs of the Ω was rated as mediocre to poor publication. In part, the criticized decline in quality was linked to Stijn van Cauter's exit.


The music of Wijlen Wij is classified as Funeral Doom. The rhythm is kept slow according to the genre. The keyboard is emphasized as particularly atmospheric. The singing is performed with a deep but undistorted voice, while the heavily distorted guitar is in the foreground of the sound and has a fuzze effect that is atypical for the genre .


  • 2007: Wijlen Wij (Album; Aesthetic Death Records)
  • 2010: Unveiling the Signs (compilation with Dissolving of Prodigy, Pantheist, Gallileous and Kostas Panagiotou; Redrum 666)
  • 2014: Coronachs of the Ω (Album; Solitude Productions)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Stijn van Cauter: Wijlen Wij Biography. Metalstorm, accessed December 16, 2016 .
  2. ^ Bad English: Pantheist interview (07/2016). Metalstorm, accessed December 16, 2016 .
  3. a b Grimdoom: Wijlen Wij: s / t. Doomantia, accessed December 16, 2016 .
  4. a b dante: Wijlen Wij: s / t. Ultimate Guitar, accessed December 16, 2016 .
  5. a b Unveiling the Signs Split. Warheim.org, accessed December 16, 2016 .
  6. Bitter Cold: Wijlen Wij: Coronachs of the Ω. Metal Storm, accessed December 16, 2016 .
  7. Ben Schultz: Wijlen Wij: Coronachs of the Ω. Brutalism, accessed December 16, 2016 .
  8. a b Chaim Drishner: Wijlen Wij: Coronachs of the Ω. Chronicles of Chaos, accessed December 16, 2016 .