Viktor Valerianovich Bunak

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Viktor Walerianowitsch Bunak ( Russian Виктор Валерианович Бунак ; born September 10 . Jul / 22. September  1891 greg. In Moscow ; † 11. April 1979 ) was a Soviet anthropologist and university professor .


Bunak's father was an official in the Moscow City Council. After attending the 2nd Moscow High School until 1908, Bunak began studying at the University of Moscow (MGU) in the natural science department, which he completed in 1912 with a 1st class diploma.

The head of the Department of Geography and Anthropology, Dmitri Nikolayevich Anutschin , won over Bunak for further scientific work and gave him a position as an unscheduled assistant at the Museum of Anthropology at the MGU. In 1918, after the October Revolution , Bunak passed the master's degree and was appointed private lecturer . In 1919 he and Anutschin founded the Chair of Anthropology at MGU.

From 1920 to 1929 Bunak headed the eugenics department of the Institute for Experimental Biology . He initiated the establishment of the Central Office for Anthropometry and then headed it. With others he founded the Russian Eugenic Society and became its secretary and editor of the Russian Eugenic Journal . In 1922, Anuchin's and Bunak's efforts led to the establishment of the Research Institute for Anthropology at the MGU. After Anuchin's death in 1923, Bunak became director of this research institute as well as lecturer and head of the Department of Anthropology at MGU. In 1925 he was appointed professor at the chair for anthropology and anthropometry.

Bunak dealt with the questions of the origin of humans, race research and human genetics . One focus was the theory of the origin of language and intelligence. He introduced new methods of anthropological research and anthropometry. He led work on setting standards for the manufacture of clothing and shoes. In 1932 he developed the first anthropological classification of the East Slavic peoples.

In 1948, Bunak was removed from office and sent to Leningrad , where he worked as a laboratory assistant without the right of publication in the anthropology department of the Leningrad branch of the Institute of Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) . In 1955 he was able to return to Moscow in the anthropology department of the Institute for Ethnography of the AN-SSSR. He led the Institute's Russian anthropological expedition to investigate the more than 100 groups of the Great Russian population in the years 1955–1959.

Bunak was married to the artist Olga Feodorovna Amossowa-Bunak .



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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Тутельян В. А., Никитюк Д. Б., Клочкова С. В., Алексеева Н. Т .: Профессор Виктор Валерианович Бунак (1891–1979) - памяти крупнейшего антрополога и анатома . In: Журнал анатомии и гистопатологии . tape 6 , no. 4 , 2017, p. 76–79 , doi : 10.18499 / 2225-7357-2017-6-4-76-79 ( [1] [PDF; accessed February 11, 2020]).
  2. Большая российская энциклопедия: БУНА́К Виктор Валерианович (accessed February 11, 2020).