Wilfried Eichlseder

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Wilfried Eichlseder (born March 1, 1956 in Steyr ) is an Austrian mechanical engineer and university lecturer . Since 2011 he has been the rector of the Montan University Leoben .


Wilfried Eichlseder grew up in Steyr, where he also graduated . From 1974 to 1980, he studied engineering at the Technical University of Graz , in 1989 received his doctorate he there with a thesis on Computational fatigue analysis of commercial vehicle components with the finite element method to Dr. techn. After stays in England, Spain, Costa Rica and France, he worked in the research department of Steyr Daimler Puch from 1981 , where he set up the Finite Element Calculation department, became head of the lightweight construction department in 1993 and headed the Steyr Engineering and Technology Center in 1995 .

In 1999 he was appointed professor of engineering at the University of Leoben, where he the research focus operational strength and tribology built. In 2001 he became an honorary professor at Miskolc University . From 2002 to 2009 he also headed the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Structural Durability. In 2010 he was elected Rector of the Montanuniversität Leoben for the term of office from October 2011 to September 2015 . In 2014 he was re-elected for a second term of office until September 2019. In December 2018, he was elected for a third term of office until September 2023.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b orf.at: Eichlseder surprised about the election as rector . Article dated December 23, 2010, accessed May 30, 2017.
  2. ↑ Union catalog: Computational service life analysis of commercial vehicle components using the finite element method . Dissertation, Graz University of Technology, 1989.
  3. Universities Austria: Wilfried Eichlseder . Retrieved May 30, 2017.
  4. Montanuni Leoben: Rector Eichlseder re-elected . Article dated February 3, 2014, accessed May 30, 2017.
  5. Montanuni Rector Wilfried Eichlseder re-elected . OTS notification dated December 16, 2018, accessed December 16, 2018.
  6. Rector of the Montanuniversität Leoben honored with an honorary coat of the TU Freiberg. In: tu-freiberg.de. December 13, 2019, accessed December 13, 2019 .