Wilfried Harms

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Wilfried Harms (born January 3, 1941 in Oldenburg (Oldb) ) is a German author and local history researcher who mainly publishes in Low German , but also publishes factual texts in High German.

Live and act

Harms grew up in Oldenburg and has lived in Wiefelstede in the Lower Saxony district of Ammerland since 1983 . From 1958 onwards, he worked initially in the medium-sized postal service and later in the higher-level telecommunications service at the Telecommunications Office in Oldenburg, most recently in the role of representative for the severely disabled.

Initially, he volunteered for almost twenty years in union work. He was, among other things, office group chairman and deputy district chairman in the Deutsche Postgewerkschaft . From 1985 to 1996 he was involved in local politics and from 1991 to 1996 a member of the council of the municipality of Wiefelstede. From 1987 to 1996 he was chairman of the SPD local association in Wiefelstede and from 1991 to 1995 chairman of the SPD sub-district Ammerland.

Since the late 1980s he has devoted himself in particular to maintaining and preserving the Low German language and local history activities. In addition to organizing Low German events (Nutteler fireplace evenings, “All so wat up Hoch un Platt”, “Plattdüütsch in't inForum”, etc.) he is the author and editor of Low German books. In addition, he published numerous works on local history, for example a work on the 950-year history of St. John's Church in Wiefelstede.

Harms is a founding member of the “Heimatmuseum Wiefelstede” association and, in particular, helped to set up the local “Heimatkundliche Bibliothek”. Among other things, he organized the exhibitions “August Hinrichs” (1999), “Us Ollnborger Land - Pen Drawings and Watercolors by Fritz Hibbeler” (1999) and “Fritz Hibbeler: Pictures from Oldenburger Heimat” (2011).

In 2005 he was honored for his volunteer work by the municipality Wiefelstede, 2019 he was appointed Bürgerfest the President on Bellevue Palace invited.


  • Kortgood by Georg Theilmann . Isensee, Oldenburg 1997, ISBN 3-89598-432-9 .
  • Wi laat us Tiet - Beleven with Heinrich Kunst . Isensee, Oldenburg 1998, ISBN 3-89598-537-6 .
  • An't open Füür , (anthology). Isensee, Oldenburg 1998, ISBN 3-89598-569-4 .
  • with Angelika Janßen, Sigrid Koolen: What de Poggen no longer worries about . Isensee, Oldenburg 2000, ISBN 3-89598-686-0 .
  • Wiefelstede - Our church yesterday and today . Isensee, Oldenburg 2001, ISBN 3-89598-805-7 .
  • with Angelika Janßen, Sigrid Koolen: What de Wippsteerten sees with de Steerten . Isensee, Oldenburg 2003, ISBN 978-3-89995-015-1 .
  • Festschrift 50 years of the local citizens' association Wiefelstede , Wiefelstede 2003.
  • 950 years of the church in Wiefelstede , Oldenburg 2007, ISBN 978-3-89995-413-5 .
  • Metjendorf and umzu - a peasantry in transition , Oldenburg, 2007, ISBN 978-3-89995-438-8 .
  • An't open Füür - Dat tweete Book , (anthology), Oldenburg 2008, ISBN 3-89598-569-4 .
  • Heini un Fidi van'n Stau (Fritz Hibbeler), Oldenburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-89995-786-0 .
  • Wiefelsteder Geschichte (n) , Oldenburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-7308-1224-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Nordwest-Zeitung: Wiefelsteder In Bellevue Palace Wiefelstede: Visiting the Federal President. August 28, 2019, accessed January 29, 2020 .
  2. Nordwest-Zeitung: KAMINABEND NUTTEL / WIEFELSTEDE: “Always talk about yourself”. February 20, 2007, accessed January 30, 2020 .
  3. Nordwest-Zeitung: NUTTELER KAMINABENDE NUTTEL / WIEFELSTEDE: For the anniversary "dat tweete book". September 20, 2008, accessed January 30, 2020 .
  4. (12011) native language Low German on Deutschlandradio Kultur. Accessed January 30, 2020 .
  5. Nordwest-Zeitung: Painting: “. . . never wanted to sell pictures ”. October 7, 2010, accessed January 30, 2020 .
  6. Nordwest-Zeitung: EHRENAMT: 'Glücksfall' for sport and culture. October 7, 2005, accessed January 29, 2020 .