Wilhelm Ashoff (entrepreneur, 1886)

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Friedrich Wilhelm Constantin Ashoff (born April 23, 1886 in Altena ; died May 29, 1941 ) was a German entrepreneur. He was the commercial director of the engine and machine factory Bohn & Kähler AG in Kiel .


Ashoff was born the son of Commerce Councilor Wilhelm Ashoff . His father was an authorized signatory at the Basse & Selve metal works and later rose to become its general manager. After attending the secondary schools in Altena and Duisburg, he completed an apprenticeship at the Hamburg export house. A stay abroad took him to China for two years. After his return he worked for Bremer Vulkan , Norddeutscher Lloyd and Selve AG in Amsterdam. During the First World War he served with the rank of officer on the Western Front.

In World War II Ashoff was reactivated and served in the rank of captain . He fell in the spring of 1941 and is buried on the war cemetery in Berlin-Zehlendorf - Wannsee II .


  • Georg Wenzel: German business leaders - Hamburg [et al.]: Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt, 1929