Wilhelm I of Castell

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Wilhelm I Count and Lord zu Castell († May 1, 1399 ) was ruler of the county of Castell from 1363 until his death . He shared the rule with his uncle Friedrich III until 1376 .

The county before Wilhelm I.

In 1265/1267 there was a split in lines between Counts Hermann I and Heinrich II zu Castell . The counts had fallen out over their political affiliation and resided in two different castles in Castell. While the line from the Lower Castle, which Heinrich founded, died out in the second generation, the line from the Upper Castle , from Count Hermann, continued.

Hermann's successor, Friedrich II. Zu Castell , extended the fiefs that had been given to him by the Bishop of Würzburg. In addition, he combined some offices on his person. The direct predecessors of Wilhelm, Friedrich and Hermann, then shared the rule and for the first time in the history of the county took offices in other dominions in the area. Both were employed as district judges in Nuremberg .


Wilhelm was born in the 14th century as the son of Hermann zu Castell and his wife. The name of the Count's mother is not mentioned in the sources. The young count took over the government of the county in 1363, but shared the rule with Friedrich III until his death in 1376. In 1366 Wilhelm is mentioned in the sources for the first time.

In 1388 the count moved against the city of Windsheim . Together with Burgrave Friedrich V of Nuremberg and Bishop Gerhard von Würzburg, Wilhelm I took action against the young imperial city. The year 1398 was associated with a privilege granted to the county by King Wenceslaus of Luxembourg . The city of Volkach was granted the right to mint this year and could henceforth mint pfennig and lighter coins. Wilhelm I. zu Castell died around 1399.


Around 1390, Count Wilhelm married the widow of his uncle Friedrich III, Adelheid von Nassau. The Count's children are not mentioned; the marriage probably remained childless.


  • Wilhelm Engel: House u. Reign of Castell in Franconian history . In: Society for Franconian History (ed.): Castell. Contributions to the culture and history of home and dominion. New Year's Sheets XXIV . Würzburg 1952. pp. 1-19.
  • Otto Meyer: The Castell house. State and class rule over the centuries . In: Otto Meyer, Hellmut Kunstmann (ed.): Castell. State rule - castles - status lordship . Castell 1979. pp. 9-53.

Individual evidence

  1. Meyer, Otto: The Castell House . P. 19.
  2. Engel, Wilhelm: Haus u. Reign of Castell . P. 6.
predecessor Office successor
Hermann III. to Castell
Friedrich III. to Castell
Count of Castell