Wilhelm Karl Reischl

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Wilhelm Karl Reischl (born January 14, 1818 in Munich ; † October 4, 1873 there ) was a German Catholic theologian .


From 1829 to 1836 he attended Latin school and grammar school in Munich. From 1836 to 1839 he studied theology at the LMU Munich . From 1840 to 1841 he was a chaplain in Haidhausen . From 1841 to 1842 he was curate in St. Johann in Munich. After graduating as Dr. theol. In 1842 (Munich) he was prefect and brotherhood chaplain at the Herzogspital-Hofkirche and garrison preacher at St. Michael in Munich from 1842 to 1845 . After the habilitation in 1842 for dogmatic minor subjects by the theological faculty of the LMU Munich and there he became professor for New Testament exegesis and dogmatics at the Lyzeum Amberg in 1845 , from 1847 to 1849 additionally teaching position for philosophy of religion and from 1849 to 1851 for education in the philosophy section. In 1851 he became professor for church history and canon law at the Lyzeum Regensburg . In 1867 he became professor for moral theology at the LMU Munich.

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