Willi Drost

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Willi Ludwig Otto Drost (born September 10, 1892 in Danzig ; † 1964 in Tübingen ) was a German art historian and university professor .


Willi Drost came from a merchant family that had lived in Gdansk for several generations until 1946. From 1901 to 1908 he attended the humanistic grammar school in Gdansk and in 1913 received the school leaving certificate at the princely grammar school in Schleiz . In 1914 he began studying art history , philosophy and philology at the University of Leipzig . After serving in the war from 1916 to 1918, he received his doctorate in 1919 under August Schmarsow in Leipzig.

Scientific career

Memorial stone for Drost's 100th birthday at the National Museum in Gdansk

After completing his studies in Marburg (German and French), Drost passed the state examination and was an assistant at the Research Institute for Art History at the University of Leipzig from 1922 to 1923 . In the following two years he worked as an assistant at the Art History Institute of the University of Cologne . In the period up to 1930, when he was a private lecturer at the University of Königsberg , he spent a year studying in Rome, where he was charged with lecturing at the Bibliotheca Hertziana . In 1930 he went to the Technical University of Danzig as a private lecturer and was a civil servant curator at the City Museum and State Museum of Applied Arts in Danziger Fleischergasse, of which he became director in 1937. In 1932 he was appointed associate professor and in 1939 full professor at the Technical University. After his expulsion from Gdansk in 1946, he received a research assignment at the University of Hamburg and in the following year was entrusted with a teaching assignment at the University of Tübingen , where he was appointed honorary professor in 1951 .


The most important writings with a Gdańsk background that Drost wrote are: Gdańsk painting from the Middle Ages to the end of the Baroque , artistic creation in German Gdańsk , The Last Judgment by Hans Memling , The Gdańsk Picture Gallery and after 1946: The Gdańsk Marrienkirche , ornaments from Gdańsk churches , Gdansk, a cultural center in the German east and finally his great works in the collection of art monuments of the city of Gdansk on the churches of St. Johann, St. Katharinen, St. Nikolai and other churches. Of the other scientific publications by Drost, his fundamental work on Baroque painting in the Germanic countries is particularly worth mentioning, published in 1926 in the Handbuch der Kunstwissenschaft von Burger-Brinckmann and Der Danziger Maler Salomon Adler , published in 1943 and 1953.


  • The teaching of rhythm in today's aesthetics of the visual arts. Gautzsch, Leipzig 1919 (Philological dissertation, University of Leipzig, 1919).

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