Willi Wild

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Willi Wild , actually Andreas Martin Wild (born April 27, 1966 in Fürth ) is a German journalist and author . He has been editor-in-chief of the evangelical weekly newspaper Glaube und Heimat since October 1, 2015 .


The pastor's son began to write for the Fürth News during his commercial training . After completing his military service, Wild completed a traineeship at Radio Gong in Nuremberg and began studying communications and journalism at the Free University of Berlin, which he broke off. After an internship at Bayerischer Rundfunk , Wild went to Thuringia on January 1, 1992 to start broadcasting Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk .

In 2000 he worked as a freelancer for BILD Thuringia , in the same year the TV talk show “Hof mit Himmel” started on NBC-Europe , hosted by Willi Wild in more than 350 programs. Before he switched to Faith and Homeland , Willi Wild worked for MDR Thuringia as “The Editor”: For seven and a half years he answered questions from listeners and tried to answer them.

Wild lives in Weimar with his wife and daughter .

publishing company

In 2013, Wild founded the book and music publisher WILD media and, as a publisher, published When Thoughts Had Wings - life songs (book and CD) by Matthias Gehler with a foreword by Angela Merkel .

Volunteering and music

Willi Wild is a volunteer in the Protestant Church. For almost 40 years he has been playing in trombone choirs, organizing church concerts and leading a church building association. In 1999 he founded the “Johannes Falk Association - Society of Friends in Need” in Weimar together with the journalist Paul Andreas Freyer . Wild says he plays horn, guitar, drums, piano, trumpet, trombone, recorder, psalter and harmonium.


According to Wild's description, a colleague Willi Wild once called him the mad reporter - in reference to Otto Waalkes ' fictional character Harry Hirsch , the mad reporter. The name stayed and has been on his identity card for several years.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.meinanzeiger.de/erfurt/wissenschaften/ein-mann-vieler-worte-thueringer-kennen-willi-wild-als-den-redakteur-vom-mdr-d42739.html
  2. Archived copy ( memento of the original dated November 3, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.mdr.de
  3. DNB 1058833820
  4. http://www.thueringer-allgemeine.de/web/zgt/leben/detail/-/specific/Radio-Moderator-Willi-Wild-wurde-Verleger-quasi-ueber-Nacht-668630106
  5. http://www.landeskirche-anhalts.de/aktuell/neuer-chefredakteur-fuer-glaube-heimat
  6. http://www.meinanzeiger.de/erfurt/wissenschaften/ein-mann-vieler-worte-thueringer-kennen-willi-wild-als-den-redakteur-vom-mdr-d42739.html