Witiko II of Krumlov

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Witiko II of Krumau (also Witiko von Krumau, Fraunberg , Skalitz and Ledenitz ; Czech Vítek z Krumlova ; also Vítek z Krumlova, z Hluboké, ze Skalice, z Ledenic ; † 1290 ) was in the service of the Bohemian King Wenceslaus II. He was descended from the witigon family branch of the Lords of Krumau .


Witiko's parents were Budiwoj von Krumau and Perchta von Falkenstein . Witiko is documented for the first time in 1272, when on March 19, together with his brothers Zawisch von Falkenstein and Wok von Krumau , he notarized a document from the brothers Heinrich and Witiko von Rosenberg († 1277), with which they transferred the right of patronage to Hohenfurt Abbey the church of Raabs transferred. On May 24, 1284 in Prague, together with his brother Zawisch and other Bohemian nobles, he made a pledge of allegiance to King Wenceslaus II and pledged to make peace with the opposing party.

Probably because of the political influence of his brother Zawisch von Falkenstein, Witiko held the office of Chamberlain of Bohemia from 1284 to 1286. As early as 1285 he was named burgrave of Frauenberg , one year later burgrave of Znojmo and in 1288 named marshal of the Bohemian kingdom.

Witiko was last mentioned in 1290 when he and his brother Wok donated the villages of Ulrichschlag, Klein-Drasen and Hohenschlag to Hohenfurt Abbey. This foundation was supposed to serve the salvation of the brother Zawisch von Falkenstein, who was executed on August 24, 1290.


  • Valentin Schmidt and Alois Picha: Document book of the city of Krummau in Bohemia . I. Volume. 1253-1419. Prague, 1908, pp. 4-6
  • Anna Kubíková: Rožmberské kroniky. Krátky a summovní výtah od Václava Březana . České Budějovice 2005. ISBN 80-86829-10-3 . Pp. 80-85