Wok I. from Krumau

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Wok I. von Krumau (also Wok von Krumau, Skalitz and Ledenitz ; Czech Vok z Krumlova ; also Vok z Krumlova, ze Skalice az Ledenic ; † January 5, 1300 ), was a Bohemian nobleman. He came from the Český Krumlov family branch of the Witigonen .


Wok's parents were Budiwoj von Krumau and Perchta von Falkenstein . She was a granddaughter of Kalhoch II von Falkenstein, the founder of the Cistercian monastery Schlägl . Wok is documented for the first time for the year 1272, when on March 19, together with his brothers Zawisch von Falkenstein and Witiko , he notarized a document from the brothers Heinrich and Witiko von Rosenberg († 1277), with which they gave the Hohenfurt Abbey the right of patronage over the church transferred from Raabs .

After their brother Zawisch was executed in 1290, Wok and Witiko were allowed to keep their properties. For Zawisch's salvation, they donated the villages of Ulrichschlag, Klein-Drasen and Hohenschlag to Hohenfurt Monastery . According to the necrology written in Hohenfurth Monastery, Wok von “Crumpnaw” died on January 5th, 1300. His body was buried in the family crypt of the monastery church.


  • Valentin Schmidt and Alois Picha: Document book of the city of Krummau in Bohemia . I. Volume. 1253-1419. Prague, 1908, pp. 4-7
  • Anna Kubíková: Rožmberské kroniky. Krátky a summovní výtah od Václava Březana . České Budějovice 2005. ISBN 80-86829-10-3 , pp. 80–85