Wittstock (film series)

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The German documentary film director Volker Koepp (born June 22, 1944 ) published a seven-part series of documentary films from 1975 to 1997 under the title Wittstock . The films document life and changes in Wittstock / Dosse , a small town in the district , as a milieu study and long-term documentary Ostprignitz-Ruppin in the northwest of Brandenburg . The three women Renate, Edith and Elsbeth from the textile industry will be accompanied for 22 years.

In detail:

  • 1975 Girls in Wittstock (19 min): The film looks in particular at the workers of the VEB upper tricot company "Ernst Lück", which is to be expanded from around 1,000 to around 3,000 workers. The film deals with the employment of women in the former GDR.
  • 1976 Back in Wittstock : Again, in this short documentary film (21 min), the textile processors from the first film are accompanied in everyday life.
  • 1978 Wittstock III (32 min): The film focuses on the band leader Edith Rupp.
  • 1981 Life and Weaving (Wittstock IV) (27 min): Edith Rupp, meanwhile head master, gives a look back at the past years in the factory.
  • 1984 Life in Wittstock (Wittstock V - 1 h 21 min): New recordings and stories by the three workers Renate, Edith and Elsbeth are mixed with old recordings of the previous parts.
  • 1991/92 News in Wittstock DEFA with LA September. (Wittstock VI, 1 h 36 min): After the reunification of Germany, the company closes. The film describes the impressions of the workers.
  • 1997 Wittstock, Wittstock (Kruschke film and television production with BR, ORB, SFB; 1 h 53 min): The film again accompanies Renate, Edith and Elsbeth, who meanwhile have odd jobs.

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.bpb.de/mediathek/207554/maedchen-in-wittstock
  2. https://www.bpb.de/mediathek/207556/wieder-in-wittstock
  3. https://www.bpb.de/mediathek/207555/wittstock-iii
  4. https://www.bpb.de/mediathek/207560/leben-und-weben
  5. https://www.bpb.de/mediathek/207557/leben-in-wittstock
  6. https://www.bpb.de/mediathek/207559/neues-in-wittstock
  7. http://www.bpb.de/mediathek/207558/wittstock-wittstock