Vladimir Petrovich Mineev

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Vladimir Petrovich Mineev ( Russian Владимир Петрович Минеев , English transcription Vladimir Mineev; born October 9, 1945 in Moscow ) is a Russian theoretical solid-state physicist .

Minejew studied at the Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology and received his doctorate in 1974 at the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics in Moscow and habilitated in 1983 (Russian doctorate). He is a senior scientist at the Landau Institute, of which he has been a permanent member since 1972. From 1992 to 1999 he was its deputy director (during which time he was responsible for the cooperation with the French CNRS and the École normal supérieure ) and from 1999 to 2006 head of the theory group. He also taught at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, where he headed the Chair of Theoretical Physics from 1991 to 1999.

In 1993 and 1994 he organized Landau summer schools at the Landau Institute.

He was visiting scientist in the USA (1977 Aspen Center for Physics , Cornell University , Bell Laboratories , 1989 Aspen Center, 1998/99 National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee ), in France ( IHES 1978/79, Institut Laue Langevin 1993 and Labor Louis Néel in Grenoble 1991, visiting professor at the University of Grenoble 1995/96), Kyōto (visiting professor at the Yukawa Institute 1999), the University of Cambridge (2003), at the Weizmann Institute (2004), in Finland (Otaniemi low-temperature laboratory) and in Gothenburg ( Technical University Chalmers 1981).

Since 1999 he has also been a scientist at the SPSMS ( Service de Physique Statistique, Magnétisme et Supraconductivité ) of the French CEA in Grenoble .

In 1992 he received the Landau Prize for the topological classification of stable defects in ordered media. For 2014 he was awarded the Lars Onsager Prize .

He also deals with various problems in solid-state physics, particularly the theory of superconductivity and its interaction with magnetism.

He has been married since 1976 and has a son and two daughters.


  • with Kirill V. Samokhin Introduction to unconventional superconductivity , Gordon and Breach 1999
  • Topologically stable defects and solitons in ordered media , Harwood, Amsterdam 1998
  • Editor with Isaak Chalatnikow 30 years of the Landau Institute: Selected Papers , World Scientific 1996
  • Published by The first Landau Institute Summer School 1993: Selected Proceedings , Gordon and Breach 1995

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