Wolf-Dieter Roth

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Wolf-Dieter Roth (born March 15, 1963 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German journalist and non-fiction author who mainly writes about science, IT, radio and telecommunications.


Roth studied communications engineering at the Munich University of Applied Sciences and graduated as a Dipl.-Ing. (FH).

Roth worked as an editor at Funkschau , Computer Bild , PC-Online , Elektronikpraxis , Elektronikjournal and the Swiss blog publisher Blogwerk . From 2004 to 2007 he worked for the online magazine Telepolis .

He was also active as a radio presenter at Radio Caroline ("Wolf D. Rock") and wrote a book about pirate stations with tips for your own broadcast attempts. Most recently, Roth became press spokesman for the Abmahnwelle research center and wrote a book about the German warning system, into which he incorporated his own experiences.

In 2000, Roth was the West German Radio in Cologne because of the use of the Internet address wdr.org warned . Shortly afterwards, WDR obtained an injunction against the journalist. Roth had to surrender his domain, which he had previously been able to use without objection for two years.


  • numerous magazine articles since 1978
  • about 550 posts at Telepolis
  • "Wolf D. Rock" show on Radio Caroline

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