Wolf Vollmar

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Wolf Vollmar (born February 26, 1929 in Bonn ; † June 23, 2009 there ) was a German director .


After graduating from high school, Vollmar first studied dentistry at the University of Bonn and also did his doctorate. He then worked as an assistant director at Bavaria Film and Hessischer Rundfunk . He initially realized television plays based on literary material by various important dramatists such as Bertolt Brecht , Heinrich Böll and Heinrich von Kleist ( Michael Kohlhaas , 1967) . He later also made television series, including 19 of the 26 episodes of Butler Parker between 1972 and 1973 . His main work was only created in 1988 with the adaptation of the anti-war novel Factory of the Officers by Hans Hellmut Kirst into a four-part miniseries with Manfred Zapatka and Harald Dietl in the leading roles.

Vollmar succumbed to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease .

Filmography (selection)

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