Wolfgang foot

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Wolfgang Fuß (born July 25, 1945 in Hilden ; † July 3, 2019 ) was a German politician ( SPD / Free Voters ).


After graduating from secondary school, Fuß trained as a tax assistant and gained professional experience in the printing industry, the packaging industry, insurance companies and DAG .


Fuß initially held various local political functions in Hilden and in the Mettmann district . However, he later moved to Schleswig-Holstein . In 1990 he became chairman of the local SPD association in Kuddewörde , and in 1998 he became a member of the local council. In the 15th electoral term, from 2000 to 2005, he sat in the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament . He was directly elected in the Lauenburg-Mitte state electoral district. In the state elections in 2009, Fuß ran in the same constituency as a direct candidate for free voters.

Fuß was married and the father of two daughters.

Web links

  • Wolfgang Fuß in the state parliament information system Schleswig-Holstein