Wolfgang Hingst

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Wolfgang Hingst (* 1938 in Vienna ) is a historian and journalist , long-time editor , filmmaker and documentarist on Austrian radio and television. He is the author of numerous articles, essays and non-fiction books.

Wolfgang Hingst has dedicated himself to popular education, consumer protection and the fight against - in his opinion - the worldwide creeping poisoning of humans , animals and the environment . Other focal points of his work were organic agriculture and renewable energies. In 1990 he received the Konrad Lorenz Prize .


  • Time bomb cosmetics . Vienna, 1985.
  • Radioactivity time bomb . Vienna, 1987.
  • Genetic engineering time bomb . Vienna, 1989.
  • Eco tricks and bio scams . Pseudonym: Adam Adler; Co-author: Hanswerner Mackwitz. Vienna, 1990.
  • 5 years of Chernobyl. Documents of a repression . Vienna, 1991.
  • Asbestos death fiber . Co-author: Herbert Stern; Vienna, 1992.
  • 10 theses against Greater Europe . Vienna, 1992.
  • Immunology . Vienna, 1992.
  • The organic bible . Co-author: Sepp Ortner; Vienna, 1995.
  • Irritant underwear. Our clothes: fashion, poisons, eco-look . Co-author: Hanswerner Mackwitz; Frankfurt / Main, 1997.
  • Ripped off - your future as an EU citizen . Weißkirchen, 1999.
  • Cell phone fever . Vienna, 2000, 2001.
  • Paradise or the end of the world - we have the choice . Zurich, 2003.
  • Rule against the citizen? Editor together with Rupert Riedl, Ernst Gehmacher and Peter Lang; Frankfurt am Main, 2006.
  • Totally meschugge - everything is a joke. Vienna 2006, ISBN 3-85052-231-8 .
  • Messages from the future - cultural history of prophecies from antiquity to the present. Petersberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86616-203-7 .
  • Power of mothers - powerlessness of fathers. Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-8442-5460-0 .
  • Arson in Europe !! The "fratricidal war" in Ukraine. 2015

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.lehmanns.de/shop/literatur/32304331-9783864650680-brandstiftung-in-europa-der-bruderkrieg-in-der-ukraine