Wolfgang Koydl

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Wolfgang Koydl (* 1952 in Tübingen) is a German journalist and author .

After studying at the German School of Journalism , he first wrote for the Münchner Merkur . This was followed by positions at the BBC , the Washington Post and as head of foreign affairs at the Vienna daily Die Presse . He was a correspondent in Cairo and Moscow for the German Press Agency (dpa) . From 1996 he wrote for the Süddeutsche Zeitung and reported first from Istanbul, from 2000 from Washington, from 2005 from London and from 2011 from Zurich. From 2014 to 2018 he was editor of Weltwoche in Zurich for reports and portraits from Switzerland as well as reports from abroad.

His book "Die Besserkönner" topped the bestseller lists in Switzerland in spring 2014 and brought him media celebrities in the country.


Individual evidence

  1. Weltwoche: bestselling author Wolfgang Koydl becomes the new editor. in person, accessed on July 14, 2014 .
  2. Best-selling author becomes new editor , nzz.ch, March 26, 2014.

Web links