Wolfgang Probst

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Wolfgang Probst (born November 16, 1945 in Neuhausen-Nymphenburg , Munich ) is a German opera singer ( bass baritone ).


The artist, who comes from a farming family in Garching near Munich , studied singing at the Munich University of Music and Theater a . a. with Marianne Schech . He was sponsored by the singer and opera director Wolfgang Windgassen . General director Walter Erich Schäfer engaged him in 1971 as a member of the ensemble at the Stuttgart State Opera . On November 19, 2010, the artist , who had been named Kammersänger , gave his last performance there as Wurm in Luisa Miller .

Wolfgang Probst, father of two grown sons and one grown daughter, sang the major parts of his subject at the Stuttgart State Opera. a. Philipp in Don Carlos , Pater Guardian in Die Macht des Schicksals , Wotan in Das Rheingold and Die Walküre , the Dutchman in Der fiegen Holländer , the village judge in Jenůfa , the sacristan in Tosca , Orest in Elektra , Kaspar in Der Freischütz , Klingsor in Parsifal and the Jochanaan in Salome . Wolfgang Probst recorded one of his greatest successes in 1994 at his parent company as Hans Sachs in Hans Neuenfels ' production of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg . In addition, numerous guest appearances have taken him to national and international music stages in Berlin, Munich, Karlsruhe, Frankfurt, Salzburg, Zurich, Paris, Stockholm, Venice, Naples, Dallas, Buenos Aires and the like. a. m. In addition to his stage presence, Wolfgang Probst was a sought-after song and concert singer.

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