Wolfram Fleischhauer

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Wolfram Fleischhauer, Marburg 2011

Wolfram Fleischhauer (born June 9, 1961 in Karlsruhe ) is a German writer and interpreter.


Fleischhauer grew up in Karlsruhe and graduated from Fichte-Gymnasium in 1982 . He studied literature in Germany (Berlin), France, the USA and Spain. For his work as a conference interpreter, he commutes between Brussels and Berlin , where he lives with his wife and two children.

In 1996 he achieved his literary breakthrough with the art-historical factual thriller Die Purpurlinie . Fleischhauer sees himself at home between the "ivory tower" of high literature and the "screeching ground floor" - with the storytellers. His novel Three Minutes with Reality (2001) quickly became a cult book due to the central theme of tango in the German Tango-Argentino scene .


  • on the novel Schule der Lügen: "Fleischhauer is a great narrator who knows how to develop an event that is not only exciting but also fascinating in terms of contemporary history."
  • About the novel Three Minutes with Reality: “In this novel too, Fleischhauer proves to be a professional narrator who can build up tension, maintain it and lead to an unexpected ending. He develops a great affection for his fictional characters, which ultimately benefits the reader. A fascinating love story. "



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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Recklinghäuser Zeitung , April 27, 2011
  2. ^ Marler Zeitung , May 18, 2011