World's Parkour Family

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World's Parkour Family
purpose Establish parkour as a sport
Executive Director: Kevin Fluri, Maurice Ndotoni
Establishment date: January 1, 2010
Seat : Basel

World's Parkour Family ( WPF ) is a Swiss association of traceurs that was founded in Basel in 2010 . The aim of the association is to develop parkour into a recognized sport . The association organizes trainings and offers shows and workshops for companies. WPF also organizes annual camps that contribute to the international networking of the parkour scene. In 2011, the founding members of WPF successfully participated in the show The greatest Swiss talents . WPF is also regularly present at cultural events, for example in 2013 at the Basel Youth Culture Festival . In 2016, Swiss television published a four-part program about the World's Parkour Family.

Individual evidence

  1. Seraina Hess: Parkour video as a souvenir . In: St. Galler Tagblatt , August 17, 2012.
  2. Jan Hoffmann: For Red Bull film: Parkour athletes storm the Verkehrshaus. In: 20 minutes , November 11, 2013
  3. Oliver Joliat: Parkour: Make yourself a monkey: With their 23 and 21 years they are still very young. But in the parkour scene, the two Basel-born Kevin Fluri and Chris Harmat are considered old hands - and are among the world's best. ( Memento from April 3, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) In: Coop newspaper , August 19, 2013.
  4. Dina Sambar: High walls are no obstacles: You jump over house roofs and run up walls. Christian Harmat and his team are traceurs. Tonight they want to convince in the TV show “The greatest Swiss talents”. In: Basler Zeitung , February 19, 2011.
  5. Naomi Gregoris: The City Acrobat . In: TagesWoche , August 29, 2013.
  6. Olivier Joliat: International parkour stars show tricks at the Tinguely fountain. In: Basellandschaftliche Zeitung , August 2, 2013
  7. The Parkour Pros . Swiss television , 2016