Worms Religious Discussion (1541)

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The Worms Religious Discussion of 1540/41 was the continuation of the Hagenau Religious Discussion of 1540, in which the procedure for a future religious discussion between Catholic and Protestant imperial estates was to be determined.


The Worms Religious Discussion took place from November 25, 1540 to January 17, 1541. Emperor Charles V sent his minister Nicolas de Granvelle to Worms to mediate between Catholic and Protestant theologians. While the convention was discussing procedural issues, Granvelle commissioned a small group of theologians to secretly negotiate joint teaching articles to be presented as an imperial consensus text at the Regensburg Diet in June 1541 . The theologian Martin Bucer , who had a great influence as an advisor to Philip of Hesse , and the Catholic reformer Johannes Gropper , who was influenced by Erasmus of Rotterdam , developed 27 Latin articles, the so-called Worms Book , in which a far-reaching consensus was concerned, with the aim of achieving a balance between Catholics and Protestants on central doctrinal issues ( sin and justification , church , sacraments and ceremonies ).

The Worms Book (not - as the Protestants originally requested - the Confessio Augustana ) was presented as the basis for the religious discussion at the Regensburg Reichstag in the spring of 1541, in a version edited by Cardinal Gasparo Contarini in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church doctrine. The Regensburg book developed there , however, did not build on the Worms book , but tried a new approach.



  • The Worms Book. The last attempt at ecumenical consensus from December 1540 in the German version by Martin Bucer . Published by Richard Ziegert. Edited by Cornelis Augustijn. Spener Verlagbuchhandlung Frankfurt am Main 1995, ISBN 3-930206-20-X .
  • Klaus Ganzer, Karl-Heinz zur Mühlen (ed.): Files of the German Reich religion talks in the 16th century. Vol. 2. The Worms Religious Discussion (1540/41) . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2002.
  • Cornelis Augustijn (ed.): Martin Bucers German writings. Vol. 9/2: Religious Discussions (1541-1542) (= Martini Buceri Opera Omnia, Series I). Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Gütersloh 2007. ISBN 978-3-579-04891-8 .


  • Wolf-Dieter Hauschild : Textbook of church and dogma history . Volume 2: Reformation and Modern Times . 3. Edition. Kaiser Gütersloher Verlags-Haus, Gütersloh 2005, ISBN 3-579-00094-2 , p. 145.
  • Athina Lexutt: Justification in conversation. The understanding of justification in the religious discussions of Hagenau, Worms and Regensburg in 1540/41 . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1996 (= research on church and dogma history, vol. 64). ISBN 978-3-525-55172-1
  • Wolf-Friedrich Schäufele : Truth in Dialog. The Worms Religious Discussions of 1540/41 and 1557 in a historical context . In: Volker Gallé (Hrsg.): Tulden or Understanding. Documentation on the “Worms Religious Discussions” from April 19-21, 2013 in Worms . Worms 2013, pp. 52-69.
  • Otto Scheib: The Inner Christian Religious Discussions in the Occident. Regional distribution, institutional structure, theological topics, ecclesiastical function. With special consideration of the denominational age (1517–1689) . Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2009 (= Wolfenbütteler Research Vol. 122). ISBN 978-3-447-06133-9 , p. 186.

See also