Religious talk

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A religious conversation is a conversation or a dispute between people of different religions or intra-religious groups (denominations) on religious issues of all kinds.
Other names are Colloquium religiosum , also "colloquium de religione", "religious colloquy / disputation" or "conférence religieuse".

In a broader sense, a religious conversation can be a real conversation as well as a fictional or mythical conversation and a prayer-like form of dialogue .

Definition of terms

In a narrower sense, religious talks are dialogues or discussions between the religious or theological champions or representatives of the emerging or established religions or denominations in different forms of discussion and organization in order to clarify the respective differences and bring about a decision or an agreement that determine and justify the further procedure should. They represent an institution for the spiritual encounter and discussion of the religions and their denominations in their competition for their (sole) recognition and for their existence or in coexistence. Since the religions strongly determine the state and society through the creation of meaning, rules of conduct and cultural arrangements Crises, especially in the case of the “state-supporting” religions, have repeatedly made attempts to clarify. In the absence of commonly recognized principles and arbitration bodies, attempts were made to overcome the conflicts in a peaceful and spiritual way through official or private debates or conversations and to achieve enforceable results that were to maintain public validity and make peace possible if the problem was not addressed by mere application who tried to resolve (state) violence ( mission , religious wars , persecution of Christians , tolerance ).

We find religious conversations particularly in the spread of missionary religions or religions claiming sole status such as Christianity and Islam, but also in prophetic religions such as Judaism, Parsism, Manichaeism, Buddhism or Confucianism. The respective situation and constitution as well as the peculiarities of the religions determine the topics, goals, forum, organizer, legal form, organization, forms of discussion, participants, location and conference venues. Religious talks accompany the respective disputes from the beginning to the aftermath of the decision. They can be entirely private or official, internal or public events and in the context of religious leadership bodies, governments and meetings of synods, parliaments, city councils or princely councils, before secular or spiritual rulers and courts or universities, meetings of scholars or clergy or Be monks. The vague term “colloquium religiosum” takes this diversity into account and has to be specified for the individual examples (see Reich religion talk , communal talk ).

We find all kinds of religious conversations from the 6th century BC to the present day, especially in areas of expansion and encounter between Judaism , Christianity , Islam , Buddhism and Hinduism or Confucianism , but also in Central America as well as in the attempts that to overcome internal divisions or to find a form of coexistence. The main times are those of the respective expansion: Islam in the 7th to 10th centuries, in Judaism 1000 to 1400 and with the divisions of Christianity after 1054 ( oriental schism ), in Hussitism after 1410 and in the 16th and 17th centuries as a result of the Reformation . They have been intensified since the second half of the 19th century in connection with the development of world traffic, mission and colonialism . In the 20th century, they are changing more into discussions between equal partners and in mutual respect ( religious conference , ecumenism , tolerance ).

Religious Discussions in the Middle Ages

Between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches

  • 1112 Niketas Seides - Archbishop of Milan Petrus Grossolanus
  • 1136 Byzantium Byzantine theologians - Anselm von Havelberg
  • 1339 Avignon Barlaam of Calabria - Pope Benedict XII.

Between the Catholic Church and heretics

  • 1165 Lombers (Katharter - Catholics)
  • 1190 Narbonne (Waldensian Catholics)
  • 1207 Pamiers (Waldensians - Catholics)

Jewish-Christian religious discussions

Islamic-Christian religious discussions

  • 781 Baghdad (al-Mahdi - Timothy I)
  • 13th century (Qarâfî - Paul of Antioch )

Religious talks of the Reformation period

Between Old Believers and Evangelicals

Between Protestants and Orthodox

Inner Protestant Religious Discussions


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Irena Backus: Disputations. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . January 23, 2006 , accessed June 13, 2019 .
  2. Cf. Otto R. Redlich: The Düsseldorf Religious Discussion of the year 1527 . In: Zeitschrift des Bergisches Geschichtsverein 29 (1893), pp. 193-213 ( Google Books ; limited preview).
  3. Cf. Otto Teigeler: Die Herrnhuter in Russland pp. 225–227 ( Google Books ; limited preview).
  4. Cf. Irene Dingel, Volker Leppin, Kathrin Paasch: Between theological dissent and political tolerance, pp. 49–53 ( Google Books ; limited preview).
  5. Cf. Felix Engel: 'Revolutionary' or 'Leisetreter'? The way to the Theologentag von Jüterbog 1548. Jüterbog 2013, ISBN 978-3-00-043185-2 .