Vsevolod III.

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Vsevolod III. Jurjewitsch , called Russian Большое Гнездо Bolschoje Gnesdo , German “Big Nest” , (* 1154 ; † 1212 ), Grand Duke of Vladimir from the Rurikids , son of Yuri Dolgorukis .

Vsevolod had fled to Constantinople in his youth from his brother Andrei Bogolyubski , who succeeded his father as Grand Duke of Vladimir . After Andrei was killed in 1174 , there were clashes between boyars and the residents of Vladimir , Rostov and Suzdal , who each propagated different successor candidates. In 1176 the city of Suzdal prevailed, which Vsevolod Yurevich had accepted as ruler. This also rose to Grand Duke.

During his comparatively long reign, the principality of Vladimir-Suzdal entered a heyday as a hegemonic power in Russia , which would later never be reached again. At the beginning of his rule, Vsevolod benefited mainly from the extensive lands that had been confiscated from the defeated boyars. The commercial upper class of the urban bourgeoisie of Vladimir, Perejaslav and Rostov, on the other hand, was granted privileges and individual representatives were occasionally called in to consult with the prince. In addition, a new class of nobility emerged.

Vsevolod was not only able to secure rule in his own principality, but also succeeded the former hegemonic power of Kiev without being challenged. Neighboring princes recognized him as the overlord. He had numerous libraries set up and revised Russian law in favor of the rural population.

Shortly before his death in 1211, Vsevolod called a meeting of nobles, clergy and townspeople, from whom he wanted to get the approval of a breach of the seniority principle: his younger son Juri should succeed him. However, this did not succeed. After Vsevolod's death, the older brother Constantine first seized power, and Yuri did not follow until 1218.


  • Andrei Wassiljewitsch Ekzempliarski: Vsevolod III. In: Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона - Enziklopeditscheski slowar Brokgausa i Jefrona . tape 7 [13]: Волапюк – Выговские. Brockhaus-Efron, Saint Petersburg 1892, p. 385–386 (Russian, full text [ Wikisource ] PDF ).
  • Wladimir Boguslawski, Jelena Kuksina: Slawjanskaja enziklopedija. Kijewskaja Rus Moskowija. w 2 t. T. 1 Olma Media Group, Moscow 2001, ISBN 5-224-02249-5 , pp. 239-242 (Russian, books.google.com ).
predecessor Office successor
Andrei Bogolyubsky Russian ruler Constantine