Wulf Bley

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Wulf Bley , pen name W.H. Hartwig , (born December 14, 1890 in Berlin , † April 20, 1961 in Darmstadt ) was a German writer , dramaturge and radio announcer. From 1931 he belonged to the NSDAP and was SA storm leader .

Live and act

As the son of the writer Fritz Bley , he attended a Prussian cadet institute in his youth . From 1914 he took part as a soldier in the First World War, in which he was seriously wounded.

From 1921 to 1923 Bley was the editor of the völkisch magazine Der Skalde (Berlin). In 1923 and 1924 he was managing director of the Großdeutsche Zeitung , the substitute organ for the banned Völkischer Beobachter . From 1926 Bley worked as a freelance writer. Bley later also became a radio speaker and commentator. Bley worked on the radio hour in Berlin and the Deutschlandsender.

In 1931 Bley joined the NSDAP and the SA , in which he held the rank of storm leader in Sturmabteilung 9. On January 30, 1933, Bley commented as a radio reporter on the nightly torchlight procession of the SA through Wilhelmstrasse on the occasion of the NSDAP's takeover .

In 1933, Bley became head dramaturge at the Deutsches Theater Berlin and headed a department at the Reichsrundfunkkammer . Later, Bley took over radio coverage of competitions during the Olympic Games .

Bley, whom Erich Kästner characterized as a “totalitarian poet”, wrote a series of historical novels and political “enlightenment books” in the spirit of National Socialist ideology.

During the Spanish Civil War , Bley was a liaison officer of the OKW to the Condor Legion . During the Second World War he was the head of foreign propaganda in the Air Force . After the Second World War , Bley lived in Wuppertal .

Numerous writings written and edited by him were placed on the list of literature to be segregated in the Soviet occupation zone .

Fonts (selection)

  • Aviation - People's Part , 1930.
  • Deutsche Luft Hansa AG , (= sites of German work, vol. 5), Widder-Verlag, Berlin 1932
  • German national education and new radio building! , 1932.
  • Idols become gods , 1932.
  • Revolutions in world history: two millennia revolutions u. Civil wars . Edited with e. Vorw. V. Wulf Bley with Mitw. Werner Beumelburg [among others] Moser Munich, 1933
  • Hitler's cabinet , 1933. (with Hans Hinkel ), Deutsche Kulturwacht publishing house, Berlin 1933
  • People, you fly again! , Berlin 1933.
  • Fly ahead! : The German people's book on flying . By Richard Schulz. Among employees by Wulf Bley. With e. Escort by F. Christiansen. Publication of the German People's Book, Berlin 1933
  • Francesco and Beatrice. Novel in three acts , 1934. (Novel)
  • Die Gibichunge , drama, Verlag Reimar Hobbing , Berlin 1934.
  • The year I. Rhythm and facts of the first year of National Socialist leadership. With 76 gravure pictures , Berlin s. a. [1934].
  • The youth book from World War I , 1934.
  • Fly ahead! The German People's Book on Flying , 1935.
  • The year II. Events and facts of the second year of National Socialist leadership. With 64 gravure plates , Berlin 1935.
  • Modern armies-modern weapons. With 48 illustrations , Berlin s. a. [1935].
  • Revolutions in world history. Two millennia of revolutions and civil wars. Edited with a foreword by W. Bley with the participation of T. Adamheit , Vol. 2, Munich 1935. (Foreword)
  • SA marches. Life and struggle of the brown battalions , Stuttgart 1933. (12 editions)
  • Air armies all around , together with Richard Schulz, Verl. Deutsche Kultur-Wacht, 1935.
  • Four above the enemy. Aviation experiences from World War I , 1935.
  • The year III. With 48 gravure plates , Berlin 1936.
  • Germany to the air, with the collaboration of leading personalities in German aviation , Stuttgart 1936.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte. The life novel of a genius. With 24 reproductions based on contemporary images , Berlin s. a. [1936].
  • The false Dimitri , 1937. (novel)
  • Bolshevism. Its origin and impact, edited with a foreword by Wulf Bley with the participation of Theodor Adamheit , Munich 1938. (Foreword)
  • The possessed , 1939.
  • With man and horse and car. Radio reports from the Polish campaign , Leipzig 1939.
  • The book of the Spanish pilots. The baptism of fire of the new German Air Force , Leipzig 1939.
  • They were the first ... first achievements in conquering the airspace. Published by Wulf Bley , Leipzig 1940.
  • Unveiled earth. The most beautiful and interesting aerial photos from all over the world. With 169 pictures , Leipzig s. a. [1937].
  • Long-range reconnaissance over England , 1940.
  • Fight against the west. New reports from the land, air and sea front. Compiled and edited by Wulf Bley , (= Zeitbücherei v. Hase & Koehler, No. 6), Leipzig 1940.
  • Four above the enemy. Aviation experiences from the world war , Leipzig.
  • Woman in the Vortex , 1941.
  • You were the first ... first achievements in conquering the air , 1941.
  • Verena. A cheerful novel , 1943. (novel)
  • Who do you love, Verena? A cheerful film and stage novel , 1949. (New edition 1955 as Güldensee. Who do you love Verena? )
  • Wild, world and you. Hunt. and animal stories , 1949.
  • My heart returns to you , 1955 (novel)
  • The heiress from overseas. A novel about love and suffering , 1956. (novel)
  • Sylvia and the Shark Rubin , Hamburg s. a. [1960]. (Roman) (under the pseudonym WH Hartwig)
  • The Senninghof , Hanover p. a. [1958]. (under the pseudonym WH Hartwig)
  • The call from afar. A poignant novel of fate , (= Lore-Romane, vol. 389), Darmstadt 1956.
  • Hearts between dream and day , 1956. (novel)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kürschner's German Literature Calendar, Vol. 54, 1963, p. 744.
  2. a b Erich Stockhorst: 5000 heads - who was what in the Third Reich , Kiel 2000, 961f.
  3. ^ Peter Dahl: Radio. Social history of broadcasting for senders and receivers , 1983, p. 300.
  4. ^ A b Ernst Klee: The cultural lexicon for the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-10-039326-5 , p. 53.
  5. Ralf Thiels: Ethnograph des Dunkel Berlin , 2006, p. 281.
  6. http://www.polunbi.de/bibliothek/1946-nslit-b.html
  7. http://www.polunbi.de/bibliothek/1947-nslit-b.html
  8. http://www.polunbi.de/bibliothek/1946-nslit-v.html
  9. http://www.polunbi.de/bibliothek/1946-nslit-i.html
  10. http://www.polunbi.de/bibliothek/1946-nslit-d.html