Xaver Jakub Ticin

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Ticinus on a contemporary painting

Xaver Jakub Ticin SJ (Latin also Xaverius Jacobus Ticinus ; born August 1, 1656 in Wittichenau , † April 17, 1693 near Belgrade ) was a Sorbian Jesuit and linguist. He was the first to write a language lesson for learning Sorbian based on scientific principles .

After his first training at the school of the Bautzen Cathedral Monastery, Ticin went to Bohemia, joined the Jesuit order and studied at the University of Prague . In addition to his duties as a priest, he dealt with scientific studies on the Slavic languages. As a basis for his work on Sorbian, he used the familiar dialect from the Wittichenau area.

In his homeland he promoted the pilgrimage to the miraculous image of Rosenthal and wrote a report on the legends and customs associated with the statue of the Virgin Mary there. In the age of confessionalization, these pilgrimages were an important anchor of Catholic and Sorbian identity in the predominantly Protestant Upper Lusatia .

Ticin succumbed to illness in front of Belgrade during the Turkish War , in which he participated as a field chaplain in Prince Eugene's army .

In 1994 a square was named after him in Wittichenau, Ticin's hometown.


  • Principia linguae wendicae quam aliqui wandalicam vocant. Prague 1679 ( digitized in the Google book search. Newly edited as a reprint by Frido Michałk , Bautzen 1985).
  • Epitome Historiae Rosenthalensis, sive Compendiaria Narratio de Origine, ac Cultu pervetustae BV Mariae Statuae, in Pago Rosenthal Lusatiae superioris. Prague 1692 ( digitized in the Google book search).


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