Xaver Knaup

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Xaver Knaup

Franz Xaver Knaup (born August 27, 1893 in Altena ; † November 21, 1950 in Würzburg ) was a German politician ( NSDAP ).

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After attending primary school and a Catholic private school, Knaup completed a four-year apprenticeship in the administration of the Pomeranian Provincial Railway . From October 16, 1912 to 1919, Knaup was a member of the Prussian army, most recently with the rank of vice sergeant. During the First World War he was awarded the Iron Cross II. Class and the Cross of Honor.

From January 1920 Knaup was employed in the industry. In the 1920s he began to work in the NSDAP. From August 1, 1930 Knaup was the local group leader in Kahl . From late 1930 to mid-April 1936 he was the district leader of the Alzenau Mainfranken district of the NSDAP. On April 15, 1936, he finally took over the post of district leader of Würzburg City and Country, which he held until mid-April 1943. In this capacity he organized, among other things, the anti-Jewish pogroms in Würzburg as part of the Reichskristallnacht on November 9, 1938.

From October 1933 to January 1, 1938, Knaup also served as head of regional training for the Main-Franconian region. In addition, there was membership in the Alzenau district committee and in the main committee of the Bavarian Municipal Council as well as the office of the second mayor of Kahl . As the successor to district leader Karl Clement, Knaup was also a member of the Würzburg city council from July 1936 to 1942. For this purpose, since he had not lived in Würzburg for a year in 1936, he was granted citizenship of the city early.

From April 1932 until the dissolution of this body in autumn 1933, Knaup was a member of the Bavarian state parliament. After that he sat from November 1933 until the end of the Nazi regime in spring 1945 as a member of the National Socialist Reichstag for constituency 26 (Franconia) . After assignments in Scandinavia he became district leader in Litzmannstadt (Lodz) on April 17, 1943 . In the SA he reached the rank of Obersturmbannführer. During the Second World War , from 1941 to 1943 he worked in an advisory capacity for the "Fylkesförer der Nasjonal Samling" and from November 1942 was also a representative of the NSDAP / AO for Greater Oslo.

In August 1950, Knaup was sentenced to three years' imprisonment for a 1940 deprivation of liberty case.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Anthon Read: Kristallnacht: Unleashing the Holocaust , 1989, p. 111.
  2. Peter Weidisch: Würzburg in the "Third Reich". In: Ulrich Wagner (Hrsg.): History of the city of Würzburg. 4 volumes, Volume I-III / 2, Theiss, Stuttgart 2001-2007; III / 1–2: From the transition to Bavaria to the 21st century. 2007, ISBN 978-3-8062-1478-9 , pp. 196-289 and 1271-1290; here: pp. 221 and 224 f.
  3. Peter Weidisch (2007), p. 242.
  4. ^ Herbert Schultheis: Jews in Main Franconia . 1980, p. 706.