Xavier Péquignot

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Xavier Péquignot (born April 23, 1805 in Le Noirmont , † July 13, 1864 in Saint-Imier ) was a Swiss politician , teacher and journalist . From 1848 to 1851 he was a member of the National Council.


The son of a watchmaker and farmer studied law at the University of Heidelberg . He then worked in Poland as a lawyer , tutor and librarian . From 1832 Péquignot worked in Pruntrut as editor of the newspaper L'Helvétie founded by Xavier Stockmar . From 1839 he presided over the district court of the Franches-Montagnes district and belonged to the Bern appellate court. In addition, he went through a military career: During the Sonderbund War of 1847, he was a member of the General Staff of Guillaume-Henri Dufour , in the following year he was promoted to lieutenant colonel on Dufour's recommendation .

His political career began in 1839 when he was elected to the Grand Council of the Canton of Bern , of which he was a member until 1846. Péquignot represented liberal views and presided over the Grand Council in his last year in office. Also in 1846 he was a member of the Constitutional Council, which drafted a new cantonal constitution. In October 1848 he ran for the first National Council elections and was elected in the constituency of Jura ; three years later he waived re-election. From 1849 Péquignot was rector of the teachers' college in Pruntrut, and in 1855/56 of the industrial school in Le Locle . After all, from 1856 until his death he was school inspector of the primary and secondary schools in the Bernese Jura.

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