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Classification according to ICD-10
A28.2 Extraintestinal yersiniosis
A04.6 Enteritis due to Yersinia enterocolitica
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

Under the collective name Yersiniosis , the Yersinia, d. H. Bacteria of the genus Yersinia , summarized the disease patterns, with the exception of the plague caused by Yersinia pestis , as it differs from the others in the type of infection and also in the clinical picture caused. They can occur in mammals and birds worldwide .

Certain serotypes of Yersinia enterocolitica cause febrile intestinal inflammation ( enterocolitis or enteritis ) in humans . Frequently such contact as sequelae enteral yersiniosis the reactive arthritis , persistent Ileitis (Pseudo disease) or an extensive erythema nodosum on. Yersinia enterocolitica can also sometimes cause pyomyositis .

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis causesa disease with tuberculosis- like symptoms in rodents , rabbits , canines and birds . The infection in humans leads to diseases of the small intestine with involvement of the lymph nodes . Especially children and young people develop as well as by Yersinia enterocolitica caused a mesenteric lymphadenitis (Crohn Maßhoff, Maßhoff-lymphadenitis, pseudo appendicitis ).

In humans, Yersiniosis is mainly caused by the consumption of raw or insufficiently cooked pork products or other foods contaminated with Yersinia enterocolitica . Another source of infection can be pets, so yersiniosis is also a zoonosis .

In Germany, intestinal infections in humans with Yersinia enterocolitica are notifiable, whereas other diseases caused by Yersinia enterocolitica and infections with Yersinia pseudotuberculosis are not subject to notification. Acute yersinioses are the third most common of the reported bacterial gastrointestinal diseases in Germany and Europe. In 2006, 5,162 cases of illness were reported in Germany, in 2013 there were 2,590 new cases, the incidence is around 3.2 per 100,000 inhabitants. Children up to the age of three are particularly often affected because their immune system is not yet fully developed. Geographically, the disease occurs primarily in Thuringia , Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt . Proof is provided by a microbial examination of the stool sample. Antibiotics ( tetracyclines , gyrase inhibitors ) are used for therapy.

In the Swiss Animal Disease Act, yersiniosis is part of the list of epidemic diseases to be monitored.

Web links

Wiktionary: Yersiniosis  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Infection epidemiological yearbook of reportable diseases for 2007 of the RKI
  2. Infection epidemiological yearbook of reportable diseases for 2013 of the RKI