YinYang Media Publishing House

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The yin-yang Media Verlag was founded in 1999 by Regina Berlinghof in Kelkheim (Taunus) in the Main-Taunus-Kreis in Hesse founded, where he still has his seat. It is a small literary publisher , largely run by the publisher alone, but above all with a specialization in the field of Persian and Indian mysticism . His motto is: "Literature, Spirituality and the Free Spirit".

Publishing program

The focus of the program is on the poems of classical oriental mystics such as Hafes , Omar Chayyām , Sa'di , Kabir and Mirabai . The selection of these authors for the publishing program was also made from the point of view of the fact that they wrote against encrusted religious dogmas , bigotry , fanaticism and fundamentalism in their time , which, in addition to the literary quality of world-class, can justify a current interest in their texts today. The publisher brings the works of these poets partly in translation from the original languages, partly in the free adaptations by Hans Bethge .

The 2006 edition of the verses of the Indian poet Mirabai published by YinYang Media Verlag is the first German-language edition of this author's work. The translation from Rajasthani was funded by the National Book Trust, India (NBT) , among others , which also supported a new translation of Kabirvers (a selection).

Hans Bethge's reissues of classical poetry from Arabia , Turkey , Armenia , Persia ( Iran ), India , the Central Asian peoples, China and Japan , reissued in twelve volumes , are available for the first time in their entirety at YinYang Media Verlag.

The program also includes novels and stories with a spiritual background and the “edition fairy tales”.

Press coverage

In connection with the Frankfurt Book Fair 2006, which had the main topic “India”, the work of the YinYang Media Verlag received increased press attention. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung spoke of "treasures" in its program, the specialist magazine Südasien of a "great editorial achievement". The magazine Christ in der Gegenwart certified the publisher that it strives “with ambition and commitment to the mystical world literature”.

Web links

supporting documents

  1. Martin Kämchen: The glittering nights of Bombay. Black notes from Maximum City: The Book Fair brings Indian literature to German readers. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of September 30, 2006, p. 46
  2. Reinhold Schein in: Book reviews . South Asia 2–3 / 2006 of September 25, 2006, p. 110
  3. Martin Kämchen: "He cares for them all - He cares for you." Indian literature, Indian mysticism: Book Show 2006. Christ in the Present, No. 41 of October 8, 2006, p. 336