Ymer Prizreni

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Ymer Effendi Prizreni (* around 1820 in Prizren , † June 12, 1887 in Ulcinj ) was an activist in the Albanian national movement Rilindja in the 19th century who campaigned for Albanian self-determination. He worked as a clergyman, lawyer, politician, scholar and diplomat.

Ymer Prizreni (also known as Ymer Drini and Omer (Ymer) Bej Prizreni ) came from a local Albanian family of large landowners in Prizren (then the Ottoman Empire , now Kosovo ). He trained as a Muslim clergyman in Istanbul and later also worked in Prizren.

During the Russo-Ottoman War (1877-1878) Prizreni organized the defense of the Sanjak of Prizren against Serbian and Montenegrin troops. From January 1877 he was also a member of the Ottoman Parliament for one year  . Together with Abdyl Frashëri he  founded the Central Committee for the Defense of the Rights of the Albanian People in Istanbul ( Albanian  Komiteti qendror për mbrojtjen e të drejtave të kombësisë shqiptare ). Subsequently, he was involved in the organization of the League of Prizren . From the end of 1880 to April 1881 he headed the provisional government that led the administration of the province after all Turkish troops had left the province due to revolts by the Albanians. The armed resistance against the Ottoman Empire and the League was broken up by Ottoman troops in the spring of 1881 by military means. Prizreni was able to escape access by fleeing to Ulcinj , Montenegro , where he died in 1887 - presumably an unnatural death - and where his grave is also located.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Michael Schmidt-Neke: Development and expansion of the royal dictatorship in Albania, 1912-1939 . Ed .: R. Oldenbourg. 1987th edition. Volume 84 Southeast European Works, ISBN 978-3-486-54321-6 , p. 21 .
  2. ^ A b Robert Elsie : A Biographical Dictionary of Albanian History . IBTauris, 2012, ISBN 978-1-78076-431-3 , pp. 272 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  3. Bashkim Iseni: La question nationale en Europe du Sud-Est: genèse, émergence et développement de l'indentité nationale albanaise au Kosovo et en Macédoine . Peter Lang, 2008, ISBN 978-3-03911-320-0 , pp. 218 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  4. Dardan Gashi, Ingrid Steiner: Albania: archaic, oriental, European . 2nd Edition. Promedia, Vienna 1997, ISBN 3-85371-120-0 , p. 109 f .